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AlphaCenturi June 1, 2020 3:43 pm

*Ahem rant in progress*
First of all thank you uploader, I'll go to the artist after this.

Okay now that thats out of the way...

I cannot and will not blame Jordyn for anything, he's been closeted for years deciding to get out of the closet after his wife cheated on him, he was taking baby steps YOU DON'T JUST COME OUT LIKE HEY HEY IM GAY!!!!!!!!
that's why he bonded with Owen in the first place, the guy could have been the obi wan to his sky guy but no! Shit happened and I get it Owen caught feelings and so did Jordyn but Owen went about this do badly like yikes bitxh wtf I get that you like him and your ship is so damn cute but really your ruining everything!!!! At this point Jordyn needs some downtime from all of y'all you guys included blaming the poor guy for everyone else's actions think about it did he really do anything wrong???

He was there for everyone but what thanks does he get?he gets assaulted by someone he thought of as an ally, his current boyfriend and (I'm assuming) best friend just cheated on him and now he's left to deal with everything on his lonesome... EMPATHY! put yourself in his shoes for one damn minute and imagine how awful he must be feeling, in his eyes you can't blame him for thinking he should have just stayed in the closet, look what good it did to try and be true to himself, feel that??!?! That's the guilt for everyone saying he should have expected this, or that Owen did nothing Wrong coz he didn't stick it in, bruh my bro say that while looking in the mirror

Do ya see the clown yet?

I hope so.

Also Simon can choke on an MnM the damn nob, I hate him to much to bother with him.

Owen is not in a good place (dying mom) I get that but seriously Jordyn doesn't deserve any of this.
