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I'm on chapter 4

Pri June 5, 2020 10:39 pm

Umm... Can someone give an easy explanation of what sort of work they are doing during summer actually? I couldn’t understand it maybe because of my poor English. Why they get houses to demolish and rebuild however they want?

    Anonymous June 5, 2020 11:03 pm

    The houses are old and damaged so if they left it as is they could topple over and cause danger to the other buildings around the area. I think they've been given permission to do so by the city officials since if the buildings are renovated and such they can sell the land.

    Pri June 6, 2020 10:08 am
    The houses are old and damaged so if they left it as is they could topple over and cause danger to the other buildings around the area. I think they've been given permission to do so by the city officials since... @Anonymous

    Thank you kind soul ;-;