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I can not with this

__ssen June 11, 2020 5:56 am

Like how the fuck? First you raped him for revenge even when you found out that he got molested by your professor which is by the way HIS FATHER. Next you force him to try it with a girl and end up going after him then?? Then you son of a bitch had sex with HIS FATHER FA-THER begging to do it raw in his BIRTHDAY?? And he got raped again and you just went so fucking apologize like you did something light? THE FUCK? And The fuck is wrong with the uke, he just accept it cause he got carried away of a fucking ring with a fucking cringey fucking yes i do in it?? WHAT ABOUT THAT RAPIST ASSHOLE? IS HE STILL IN ENGLAND TEACHING AND ALSO MOLESTING OTHER PEOPLE? WTF?

I was after the sekexseke thing but this plot is fucked up. I feel like throwing up just reading it.
