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I like how she was thinking of the competition instead of clinging & crying because sh...

M__ June 22, 2020 10:34 pm

I like how she was thinking of the competition instead of clinging & crying because she was lost; she’s definitely a strong female lead also HEY GINGER YOU SHOULD’VE SEARCHED FOR HER INSTEAD OF JUST SITTING THERE DOING NOTHING, srsly & he was like ‘ I was so worried’

    Polly June 23, 2020 1:46 am

    he was sitting there because as it said in the chapter that they had been searching for hours and it became night. so I think he was sitting at the stairs to think about where she could be.

    My ideal knight_Igris June 28, 2020 11:52 am
    he was sitting there because as it said in the chapter that they had been searching for hours and it became night. so I think he was sitting at the stairs to think about where she could be. Polly

    And then that wench started touching ginger.... lol he didn't even hear her.. fucking bitch....
    Back off!!