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I'm confused

RedBone June 27, 2020 6:29 pm

So instead of me reading this all over again... what happened?? Did the director become immortal by drinking the blood? Or did his blood just turn different enough for Yoon to be able to drink it and survive? And if that's the case... will Yoon live longer than the Director? Or will Yoon have a human lifespan??? I think I missed something major. And I'm lost! Help!

    Angie-chan June 27, 2020 6:13 pm

    Yes, can some please explain this. I have the same questions.

    Alex June 27, 2020 6:28 pm

    Nope. Director and yoon is half blood. Yoon originally a mix breed and director is a mutation after drinking the blood. But from the conversation between yoon and jooyoung its likely that they will die as a human does. only nux is immortal. And other vampires could live longer/immortal too as long they leave human world and go to the vampire place. Remember when jooyoung said that he doesn't know how to maintain yoon's life? He told director that yoon will leave human world and will never come back after he couldn't find the solution to keep yoon alive? It's the same on the recent chapter when yoon said about his death. He will die as human as long he live there. So does director. About how yoon could survive,. Surprisingly directors blood is compatible with yoon the same implies as how he used to absorb the essence from sex.

    BrownFeather June 27, 2020 6:29 pm

    From what I understand (and anyone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong), our little vamp isn’t fully vampire, so he’s curse to drink blood to survive yet he is not immortal. The director’s blood was changed by Nux’s blood so Yoon can live off of it, no immortality either. They’ll live like humans, but with the twist of Yoon needing to drink the director’s blood.

    RedBone June 27, 2020 6:33 pm

    Well... that would be very sad! That Yoon would not be able to live a long life with the Director and also that the new Nux (sorry forgot his name lol) will have to witness his "son" die eventually. But I guess it's a normal HEA for them.

    Alex June 27, 2020 6:43 pm
    Well... that would be very sad! That Yoon would not be able to live a long life with the Director and also that the new Nux (sorry forgot his name lol) will have to witness his "son" die eventually. But I guess... RedBone

    Yeah.. imagine his baby dies before daddy.. that was sad...jooyoung will have a heartbreak when the time has come. It reminds me of anime "Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms. ".. gives you a week of heartbreaks. When i thought jooyoung would have the same grieve, i feel so sad