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What is the final conclusion?

cheska143 July 8, 2020 6:45 am

First of all, I didn't give this a 5 star because I support killers lolol. The story is well delivered. Mercy is not given in each chapter. It's all honesty about how a killer would decide things. The thing is as we walk our lives we pass through a road and some of us walks on the edges and it's our choice to fall or not to fall. All of us have that one thing we are not proud of but a part of us want to be. Being a kind person is all hardwork it's never been easy. There is a lot of lessons and questions left by this manga to us and I can't tell them all. After all this is only between you and yourself. If you didn't take this seriously well lucky you. But for those who understands this Please be careful of the desicions you are about to make.
