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Sexuality Question

Twinpowerhm October 10, 2014 4:32 pm

Hey guys! So I may or may not be bisexual. Can someone tell me how they figured it out/their experiences with bisexuality?

    Tavi October 10, 2014 9:43 pm
    Nope! Well ok technically no. If your partner is good and by good I mean a good lover not good at please themselves, then you will get to enjoy a great deal of foreplay. At which time your body will naturally ... Tavi

    Gonna add these sources on for anyone who is wondering if I'm making stuff up!

    Tavi October 10, 2014 9:44 pm
    That was really informative! Thanks! I really didn't know that at all. Twinpowerhm

    No problem, I posted a second listing with some sources if you're interested but because it has links it has to be approved first. Hehe so you can check back later or do a google search on the myth of hymen, because sadly there are still a ton of sources out there who will tell you that a hymen is some barrier that needs to be torn down by a penis to lose your virginity.

    Twinpowerhm October 10, 2014 10:01 pm

    Thanks a bunch Tavi! =)

    Tavi October 10, 2014 10:05 pm
    Thanks a bunch Tavi! =) Twinpowerhm

    A pleasure! If you ever need to talk just drop me a msg on here, I'm usually around and bored. Or at work on here and bored. lol

    Twinpowerhm October 10, 2014 10:13 pm

    Will do!!

    Magnolia October 10, 2014 10:45 pm

    It is one interesting discussion, and you've landed on a person who is fully aware of herself (Tavi), I don't think that I can contribute more or say more than she has already said but I've been interested in this area too. Personally, I am straight, however I've did my own research before and I realized that there were gay or bi people who separate between sexuality and commitment (for instance there are gay people who can occasionally have intercourse with women and enjoy it but still would consider themselves as 100% gay because for lifetime commitment (marriage), they would be thinking about spending their life with a man not a woman.
    There are also gay people who separate between sex and being gay, saying that there are more into being gay than just having a**l sex.
    I suppose though that you have answered your own question: if you can be sexually attracted to either genders and be romantically involved with either one in terms of commitment, than you are fully bi.

    Twinpowerhm October 10, 2014 10:59 pm
    It is one interesting discussion, and you've landed on a person who is fully aware of herself (Tavi), I don't think that I can contribute more or say more than she has already said but I've been interested in t... @Magnolia

    Thank you Magnolia! You really broke it down simply. Haha I guess I've answered my own question of sexual orientation. It's nice.

    Magnolia October 11, 2014 12:02 am
    Thank you Magnolia! You really broke it down simply. Haha I guess I've answered my own question of sexual orientation. It's nice. Twinpowerhm

    haha yup you did, and you've also answered your own question about threesomes. I would like to add though that it is not at all recommended if you are in a serious relationship. It is not just about getting mad or jealous, but from my perspective it is like playing with fire. Even if two persons are madly in love, but what if this love gets tested with this threesome? What if one of the partners gets confused or starts to question his/her own feelings or finds himself/ herself in a situation where he/she realizes he/she can love two persons at the same time (you know that some relationships can start purely physical and evolve into deep feelings)? So why go there, why create an unnecessary ordeal for oneself and thy partner? Why jeopardize this relationship with confusion and bitterness?
    It is not right to refrain from being "wise" just because one has to prove that one is self-confident. I'd rather be wise and perhaps a little bit cunning in protecting what I want. Wise possessiveness and love go hand by hand for me lolol
    I think that for romantic people who want a serious relationship, one-to-one is the best thing for both of them and it can be nurtured afterwards through communication, attentiveness, kindness and forgiveness. In my book, that is happiness ... all the best to you ^^

    Twinpowerhm October 11, 2014 1:19 am
    haha yup you did, and you've also answered your own question about threesomes. I would like to add though that it is not at all recommended if you are in a serious relationship. It is not just about getting mad... @Magnolia

    @Magnolia, I totally agree. =)
    I don't really know how to tell my parents I'm Bi though. My twin sister, I've told her that I kind of lean that way a few weeks ago. She kind of went. "Oh. Ohh.". I felt really awkward.

    Magnolia October 11, 2014 12:23 pm
    @Magnolia, I totally agree. =) I don't really know how to tell my parents I'm Bi though. My twin sister, I've told her that I kind of lean that way a few weeks ago. She kind of went. "Oh. Ohh.". I felt really a... Twinpowerhm

    Well I understand that it might be difficult especially if your parents, sibling(s) are of the religious type (and perhaps they aren't). I mean our societies tend to stigmatize sexuality through the paradigm of Sodom and Gomorrah. Religious values shape social values which in their turn shape our perspective of and attitude towards sexuality. I personally do embrace certain religious values but I wouldn't become aggressive towards someone because of his/her sexual orientation. There is an erroneous belief maybe that people who aren't "straight" are just seeking to maximize their net pleasure. This might apply to some people but not to everyone. I think we've already agreed that there are two levels in sexuality (the sexual part and the romantic, commitment, love part), and we fall in love because we want to be happy. If this means that the person is of the same sex, there isn't much we can do, we just need to accept that person's decision. A person's sexual orientation is beyond the control of another person, it is even beyond the control of the person who is experiencing it. It is just happening like breathing and eating.
    I think that you don't have to strain yourself with it, just let it be. Your parents and sibling will realize it all by themselves and in most cases, they won't say a word because they would want you to be happy.

    Twinpowerhm October 11, 2014 3:20 pm

    I told my brother and he was really really great. I told him I prefer guys, and he was like, ya. I dated a girl that was bisexual and preferred women. When I told one of my friends, she was really cool too (and of the same sexual orientation). Also, it was really funny because I texted them both and they immediately called me. I don't really want to tell my parents until I'm really comfortable with being bi and with the term itself.

    Tavi October 14, 2014 5:19 am
    I told my brother and he was really really great. I told him I prefer guys, and he was like, ya. I dated a girl that was bisexual and preferred women. When I told one of my friends, she was really cool too (and... Twinpowerhm

    Ah it's good to be able to talk to people you know and trust about what you're thinking and feeling isn't? Especially when they don't make it a huge deal and try to tell you you're wrong or broken!

    By all means don't think you have to tell your parents about it until you're more sure of yourself. I've never really liked the whole idea of coming out, I'll explain it to people if they ask me, but I never really like dramatically came out of the closet to anyone. Even my parents, my mom just asked me if I was dating anyone. And I pretty much went, nope, probably not ever either. And she was like why? I explained aromantic. She was like...Oh, I don't quite understand that stuff. But as long as you're happy. I do luv my mom. lol

    Twinpowerhm December 29, 2014 1:35 am
    Ah it's good to be able to talk to people you know and trust about what you're thinking and feeling isn't? Especially when they don't make it a huge deal and try to tell you you're wrong or broken!By all means ... Tavi

    Hey @Tavi! Been awhile. I want to thank you for helping me so much months ago. I'm so much more comfortable about who I am, and I've really accepted myself with the fact that I'm Bi. I told my parents a few months ago. They were shocked, but everything turned out ok for the most part. I've been telling my friends a few at a time, and they are amazingly chill about it.

    Tavi December 29, 2014 10:31 am
    Hey @Tavi! Been awhile. I want to thank you for helping me so much months ago. I'm so much more comfortable about who I am, and I've really accepted myself with the fact that I'm Bi. I told my parents a few mon... Twinpowerhm

    That is something completely awesome to see before the turning of the new year! :) I'm sooo glad that everything is working out for you and that everyone is so accepting! Stay strong and stay proud of yourself! Don't be afraid of change and enjoy the ride! Hehe

    1zzybelc August 15, 2016 9:36 pm

    I was bi but now I decided to be lesbian. I realized when I developed feelings for another girl. At first I was in denial then I decided to just be who I am. I cant even imagine being with a man now. Much less holding hands with one. The idea of guys in a romantic way makes me feel uncomfortable and wrong. So yeah thats how I know im gay. In the end be yourself! But use your head

    Twinpowerhm August 16, 2016 1:42 am
    I was bi but now I decided to be lesbian. I realized when I developed feelings for another girl. At first I was in denial then I decided to just be who I am. I cant even imagine being with a man now. Much less ... 1zzybelc

    Thank you so much for sharing your journey with me!! I really appreciate it. It's been almost two years since I posted this question. And I proudly identify as being bi (with a preference for women as of right now). I'm being myself and loving every second of it! Thanks again. : )

    Ella June 21, 2018 12:35 pm

    I was bi then I turned pansexual. I discovered I was bi when I fell inlove with my girl bestfriend ;-;. she was lesbian though. [if you're wondering, we already broke up doe]

    Thotbot July 20, 2018 6:17 pm

    Idk, i've always been attracted to men and women alike, so i never really had this sort of realization. Maybe the fact that my family/friends are really accepting and really didn't care about such things...

    Twinpowerhm July 24, 2018 3:21 am

    I posted this question about four years ago now, and I can 100% say I am bisexual / queer. This chat really really helped me in my time of need back then. Thank you everyone! <3 My four year anniversary of coming out happens in October 2018.