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Junho saw Lee Kang having sex with a man. Junho can now destroy Lee Kang the next time he...

raindragon July 22, 2020 8:06 am

Junho saw Lee Kang having sex with a man. Junho can now destroy Lee Kang the next time he gets mad, and he has a hot temper. Junho also hates gay men. Lee Kang will have to be looking over his shoulder from now on, waiting for Junho to get furious again and out him. It's not a matter of if it will happen. It's a matter of when it will happen.
What would you do?
Lee Kang's entire future as an athlete is now in the hands of a person who said, "fuck off" at their first introduction.
Lee Kang has to make it so they're both able to mutually destroy each other. He knows Junho is almost certainly gay, and Junho isn't going to crawl into bed with him voluntarily. What would you do?

Junho discovers what excites him sexually after a life of feeling lukewarm toward women. It has to be thrilling.
Forget rape. Think strategy. You have to have a clear head for this, not one skewed off center by fear.

    Graydaze July 22, 2020 5:18 pm

    Yeah, you keep on rationalizing that the seme is doing him a favor by raping him, he's actually a good guy by helping him realize he's gay. Now, if you want to take a step back into reality, he's a psychologically damaged man who thinks he has the right to inflict pain because he was probably traumatized in the past. I don't care what you think his "noble" intentions are, he's a rapist and a vicious one at that. The only strategy here is your attraction to the seme and your need to make him "not an asshole", it's not working, not for me at least.

    raindragon July 22, 2020 5:59 pm
    Yeah, you keep on rationalizing that the seme is doing him a favor by raping him, he's actually a good guy by helping him realize he's gay. Now, if you want to take a step back into reality, he's a psychologica... Graydaze

    That's what you thought I was saying? I don't care as much about right and wrong as you, and I'm not trying to bolster up anyone.
    I'm saying that the uke blackmailed the seme. The seme blackmailed the uke. Now they're on equal footing. That's it.
    Thanks, though, I'm sure others will hear it your way as well

    raindragon July 22, 2020 6:35 pm
    That's what you thought I was saying? I don't care as much about right and wrong as you, and I'm not trying to bolster up anyone. I'm saying that the uke blackmailed the seme. The seme blackmailed the uke. ... raindragon

    equal footing - they're now safe from each other, whereas before Junho had the upper hand

    Graydaze July 23, 2020 6:31 am
    That's what you thought I was saying? I don't care as much about right and wrong as you, and I'm not trying to bolster up anyone. I'm saying that the uke blackmailed the seme. The seme blackmailed the uke. ... raindragon

    Okay I get what you're thinking, but the uke doesn't have any proof, pic's etc and the seme is so popular so they'd probably believe him if it came to accusations being made. The seme on the other hand has pictures, pretty graphic ones at that, so he definitely has the upper hand with the blackmail. I understand that we definitely have different values when it comes to "right and wrong", and I'm not saying my way is right or better than yours, just different. Why dont we leave it at that and enjoy the story each in our own way. I really wouldn't mind seeing them fall in love, but I think a lot of healing would need to be done and I'm interested in how the author will portray this. It's been interesting debating this with you and I've no bad feelings on my end. Take care raindragon, you've definitely got some opinions that made me think and I really enjoy that.