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Well, it took 32 chapters, but here is the clichéd storytelling plot...

FredFriendly July 25, 2020 4:10 pm

of girl gets a job with a 3rd wheel and spends far more time with him than she does with her "boyfriend." No doubt he will start walking her home after work and, wait for it, another clichéd storytelling plot: 3rd wheel will end up helping girl shop for present and will be seen together with the "boyfriend" (how many times have we seen that?!) causing another misunderstanding. Of course, the 3rd wheel ends up falling for girl and tries to make her his own.

    HOSEOKED18 July 26, 2020 5:04 pm

    What about no?

    FredFriendly July 26, 2020 9:24 pm
    What about no? HOSEOKED18

    Have you never run across this scenario before? It's been overused in Japanese manga, and I've even seen it in Korean manhwas. I'll be surprised if it does not play out as I suggest, since it's such an over used cookie-cutter plot device, though in no way have I suggested that Meguro would be unfaithful to Koga.

    Reine August 3, 2020 12:09 pm
    Have you never run across this scenario before? It's been overused in Japanese manga, and I've even seen it in Korean manhwas. I'll be surprised if it does not play out as I suggest, since it's such an over use... FredFriendly

    I think they trust each other too much for that to happen. First off the other dude is his friend and seems to like koga more than meguro. Koga isn't distrustful so he wouldn't really jump to such a conclusion,

    FredFriendly August 3, 2020 1:39 pm
    I think they trust each other too much for that to happen. First off the other dude is his friend and seems to like koga more than meguro. Koga isn't distrustful so he wouldn't really jump to such a conclusion, Reine

    Koga barely even remembers the dude so how can he even consider him a friend? I'm not saying Koga would jump to such a conclusion, but the dude is a playboy and he's gonna have the opportunity to spend a lot more time with Meguro than Meguro is going to spend with Koga. Just because Meguro does not have any romantic feelings for the dude does not mean that he will not develop romantic (or more likely carnal) feelings for her after spending time with her. Coupled with her "reputation" that he must know about, it would not surprise me in the least if he tries to add her to his harem.

    Reine August 3, 2020 7:04 pm
    Koga barely even remembers the dude so how can he even consider him a friend? I'm not saying Koga would jump to such a conclusion, but the dude is a playboy and he's gonna have the opportunity to spend a lot mo... FredFriendly

    He may be a playboy but he isn't a mindless skirt chaser. He has shown any traits to suggest he would go out of his way for a partnered girl. He's already interacted with meguro and seemed pretty apathetic about her too. You wouldn't help the relationship of a guy whose girlfriend ur pining after. This manga I also quite lighthearted most of the time so bringing in unnecessary drama doesn't seem like a path it would take, especially because we already saw a confession scene earlier. I just think it's quite unlikely things will pan out that way. Realistically they would be spending less time no matter what, so it's more likely that some episode of loneliness would occur that a love triangle

    FredFriendly August 3, 2020 8:11 pm

    You don't know for a fact that the dude isn't a mindless skirt chaser; you're stating your own beliefs as if they were facts. We have not seen enough of him to make the spurious conclusions that you have come up with. For instance, do you know for certain that none of his "girlfriends" do not actually have a real boyfriend or husband, for that matter, that they are cheating on and that the dude is aware of this? For all we know he could be the type that intentionally goes after other men's women. As for helping the relationship of a guy whose girlfriend you're pining after, there are certainly examples of that in print already (perhaps you're new to reading manga?). The manga has already included uneccessary drama, so there's no reason to think that more uneccessary drama wouldn't also be forthcoming, especially if you consider that there's probably a better than 50% chance that Meguro's "tutor" will reappear at some point.

    At best, the author is using this clichéd storytelling plot to grow Meguro's character by having her experience the real world through work. On the other hand, it could be a cheap way to create more uneccessary drama by having Meguro become close to the dude as naturally would happen in the environment of working together and cause Koga to become jealous.

    Of course, unlike you who seems to be able to read the author's mind, I am only speculating...

    chise.minami August 3, 2020 11:04 pm

    Hope it won't follow that trope but will focus on showing how both of the characters grow by doing their stuff on their own while managing their romance.
    But then I won't be that upset if happens ah ah like you said it's a possibility

    FredFriendly August 4, 2020 12:16 am
    Hope it won't follow that trope but will focus on showing how both of the characters grow by doing their stuff on their own while managing their romance.But then I won't be that upset if happens ah ah like you ... chise.minami

    I've read too many series that have the same pattern that it's hard not to suspect that this series is going to follow in those same well-worn footsteps. I wasn't too keen on how the last "drama" played out with the dirtbag ex-boyfriend, so I'm not going to get my hopes up and convince myself that everything will turn out drama free this time around.

    Reine August 5, 2020 12:45 am
    You don't know for a fact that the dude isn't a mindless skirt chaser; you're stating your own beliefs as if they were facts. We have not seen enough of him to make the spurious conclusions that you have come u... FredFriendly

    Sorry... I'm only speculating as well and thought it'd be okay to discuss opinions... I personally do not think it'll happen but I don't care if it does either. If your right congrats, if not, we move