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This was just... Sad (︶︿︶)

Alice July 31, 2020 2:23 pm

This all steemed from the mother. Honestly I always find single mothers who manage to raise their kids on their own amazing BUT as everything else it's ofc not a task for everyone. This woman was not capable to do it and as the years went by she became more mentally unstable and twisted, from buying friends for her son, to becoming alcoholic and finally to even end up touching him, you can tell how far gone she already was. I cannot not pity the twins. They only had each other to rely to, especially Tooru. I am pretty sure even their "relationship" was the result of their family's situation. Had they grown up in a better environment things would have been different... Their existence is essential to each other and it will stay that way forever. I hope the mother won't die (but she better stays far away from them), so that Satoru can get released earlier from prison and go find Tooru sooner. I mean with this setting, this is the closer to a happy ending.
