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I really tried liking this but I just couldn’t do it. This just is really disturbing and...

Pulla August 1, 2020 11:33 pm

I really tried liking this but I just couldn’t do it. This just is really disturbing and another rapey story where the other party starts to feel sad, they feel pity and they start to feel bad even though they were the one that experienced something horrible and BOOM they magically fall in love...

    ImDatHoe August 1, 2020 11:41 pm

    Yeah same I do r think I’m gonna like it. The seme comes off selfish and ignorant and he’s only messing with our poor uke. And the Uke can’t do anything either since this has never happened to him.

    On a side note I ship the younger brother with the delinquent friend. (=´ω`=)