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AMJ_Introvert August 8, 2020 4:24 pm

Does anyone know how old Chay is? He says he's known remi for over 20 years but thats not much of an indication considering being in his twenties (at least) is a given. Its just a bit annoying since we know Keaton is 25

    Lemon ラムネ August 11, 2020 2:07 am

    Well since Chay is a vet (so he's also a doctor) we can assume that hes had a lot of schooling and now he's a successful vet. I would say he's older than Keaton. Maybe as low as 27 and as old as 32. Me personally I think he's about 29

    AMJ_Introvert August 11, 2020 11:01 am

    Yeah that makes sense, Thanks for the reply. I wonder if we'll ever actually find out for definite