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Am I the only one with a problem following the plot? Well, I love the fact that the puppy-...

LOL December 5, 2014 10:26 pm

Am I the only one with a problem following the plot? Well, I love the fact that the puppy-looking Takemodo is the seme :3 Kyaaa~

#1 Fukada is actually gay?
#2 Ooshima is the ex of Fukada? (Because Takemodo asked if Fukada and Ooshima were together again)
#3 When did Fukada and Takemodo actually become a couple?! After Fukada asked him in to drink a coffee and wait for the bus?

    Yay panda! April 16, 2015 4:30 am

    #1 Fukada was "straight", or so he thought (hehehe), but then he started dating Takemodo, so now I guess he'd technically be "bi"
    #2 Takemodo is Fukada's first boyfriend. He asked if they were together again because he was jealous of the time Fukada was staying over at Ooshima's house in chapter 3 because he was being by followed. Of course, this caused a big misunderstanding, as these things always do in yaoi.
    #3 They started dating at the end of chapter 2 when they were kissing outside then headed home to do the chitty chitty bang bang (aka sex)
    Hope that helps! (^‿^)v

    Celesoran June 18, 2015 1:39 am
    #1 Fukada was "straight", or so he thought (hehehe), but then he started dating Takemodo, so now I guess he'd technically be "bi" #2 Takemodo is Fukada's first boyfriend. He asked if they were together again be... Yay panda!

    Chitty chitty bang bang!! XD OMG I am never going to be able to look at that movie the same again ahahahahahahahaha!!! (≧∇≦)