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will.ll.ll December 8, 2014 6:42 pm


    MoonlightSiren December 14, 2015 1:17 am

    Okay, so the sensei was havung an affair with our florist, and was married.

    Rain November 10, 2016 9:18 pm
    Okay, so the sensei was havung an affair with our florist, and was married. MoonlightSiren

    The teacher wasn't the one who was married. It was the lover he had when he himself was a student that now was married with kids.

    Aidylasia September 12, 2017 2:49 am
    Okay, so the sensei was havung an affair with our florist, and was married. MoonlightSiren - and the thing with the florist? a one-time thing in a moment of weakness on the part of the sensei b/c he had just been visited by a former lover that had gotten married and seemed to want to get back together with him even though he was still married and even had kids. Really not that difficult to follow the story, you know 0.o I could easily summarize it in a short 100-word or less essay and I've only read it once