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i fell like I'm an idiot when I'm reading this . I always say "Oh my god(2) . Its so embar...

jesmhi December 19, 2014 4:10 pm

i fell like I'm an idiot when I'm reading this . I always say "Oh my god(2) . Its so embarrassing . Should i open the next page ? No no I will skip it .And then after skipping it I would say AAAHHH I want to know what happened. I don't care if its embarrassing . Just do it !!don't let the embarrassment overtake you".Read it!!
It fells like there is a war in my head ...But it was fun the story is so cute i love it <3

    awe...shucks March 11, 2015 8:43 am

    omg i feel exactly the same way, sometimes i get sooo embarrassed i cover my eyes and then scream out and talk to myself , then calm down n go back to reading the rest :}

    misaki March 28, 2015 12:15 am

    i agreed

    Avey1P July 5, 2015 1:54 am
    omg i feel exactly the same way, sometimes i get sooo embarrassed i cover my eyes and then scream out and talk to myself , then calm down n go back to reading the rest :} @awe...shucks

    Oh my god I do the exact same thing!

    Chachi14 July 12, 2015 11:01 pm

    i feel the same way !!!

    Candy cane Panda February 15, 2016 1:38 am

    I did that when I just started reading yaoi, too. xD After a few years, I got extremely used to the sex scenes and I now start to criticize them when I look at them. I love finding perfect sex scenes. They are a rare delicacy.