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why wasn't the seme affected by the drugs ?/

.. January 14, 2015 6:52 am

why wasn't the seme affected by the drugs ?/

    The Little Eevee January 5, 2016 6:33 am

    Because the Magic Of Sadistic Seme Logic, I guess. (;´∀`) I wondered that too.

    Anonymous October 8, 2016 6:25 am
    Because the Magic Of Sadistic Seme Logic, I guess. (;´∀`) I wondered that too. The Little Eevee

    I was wondering if he somehow got the candles special-order to react specifically to the Squad Leader? But then they seemed to indicate that they were generally-sold candles (?), so I'm not sure…

    Heh… but I rather like your idea… the "Magic of Sadistic Seme Logic" indeed…!