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Yeah the story isn't good, but it isn't bad.

Leej10100 September 11, 2020 12:43 pm

Wow there's a war in the comments. There's more drama here then in the actual story, lol. But yeah I don't like this manga. Now to be clear for people who read my comment, because my words apparently hold the power to ruin others experiences, even though they don't have to read it and I have a right to my thoughts. The FL isn't the problem, she's fine. The story itself just isn't that good (it's cute but that's it honestly). And I ain't going to justify my words to appease the masses, also just cause I don't like it doesn't mean the manga is bad. Still read it because there have been many stories where people have hated and I have loved. People are allowed to have opinions even the people who say you aren't allowed to dislike the FL, they are allowed to have their opinion too. So yes you may comment and disagree with me, but keep it civil I don't respect nor tolerate being cursed at, called stupid, or being treated like I'm an idiot when one you don't know me and two you don't know me. Words hurt people, if you wanna correct people's misunderstandings of the story then do it but be civil about it. Calling people fools and brainless just because they read the story and not the spoilers (which they have no obligation too) then based their opinion on the information they had access to isn't stupid, because we all do it. Besides the characters are fictional and the author should know when creating this story there will be haters. They exist. It's life. The author will live and go on to do big things, and will get over the fact that people are just not gonna like their work sometimes. Also if they didn't want people to dislike the FL don't introduce her in a light that makes her that way. Anyway, if you wanna attack me or discuss like adults go ahead just keep it PG please.(⌒▽⌒)

    dracina September 11, 2020 12:53 pm

    This. This is exactly the kind of comment I want type but am too lazy to. Well said.