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dracina May 19, 2024 8:58 pm

I'm starting this but I'm terrified that the dude who appears in front of him in ep1 right after the other dude dies ends up like a substitute for the dude in his dreams and that blondie will end up falling in love with mc but mc only sees his dream blondie in him and blondie accepts it cause at least that way he can be with mc.
this is what happens when you click start and ep 22 (mirror sex but you can tell that blondie likes the mc) appears right after the prologue instead of ep 1.
ps. Does this couple look like Drarry (but with a brown/black eyed Harry instead) to y'all too?

    dracina May 19, 2024 10:01 pm

    on ch31 and never have I ever wanted to be so wrong in my life.
    Idk why I'm reading, it's making me feel miserable but reading this is like watching yourself accidently knock something off a table and have to watch as it crashes into tiny irreparable pieces.

    dracina May 19, 2024 11:07 pm
    on ch31 and never have I ever wanted to be so wrong in my life. Idk why I'm reading, it's making me feel miserable but reading this is like watching yourself accidently knock something off a table and have to w... dracina

    imagine if this ended on ch53. This manga is like toxic x toxic = non toxic/positive.
    I'm glad that Sekye is aware of his mental illness tho and that Yijun knows how to set boundaries (of a sort, lowkey not applicable if you're Sekye aka to whom it should be applicable to).
    But the thing is that I can't really hate either of the characters that much you know? Like what mc did to Yijun what awful but at the end I still see him through the same lens of pity that I did at the beginning. Like he has a lot to apologise for, a lot to make up for, he needs to do better - go to therapy, both separate and couples, communicate properly, learn to listen, etc but idk his character has been written in such a way that you feel pity for the kind of person he is. Doesn't necessarily mean that he's forgiven tho. As for Yijun, he deserved better from everyone in his life but maybe the first person that'll start to do that will be Sekye. As for Hyun, his confession felt unnecessary but I feel so bad for him cause of what he's had to do to fulfill his dreams of being in the industry.

    dracina May 19, 2024 11:17 pm
    imagine if this ended on ch53. This manga is like toxic x toxic = non toxic/positive. I'm glad that Sekye is aware of his mental illness tho and that Yijun knows how to set boundaries (of a sort, lowkey not app... dracina

    Also I feel like no matter how toxic it is, they needed each other to come into their lives at that moment and they did and in the beginning it was like they could finally breathe in fresh air and later that same air suffocated them and eventually that lead to them realising that they don't need each other, they want each other and there's a fundamental difference in those 2 statements. You can want something ex a luxury item but you need ex water or air in this case. The manga could've ended with them letting go cause they don't need each other anymore (lowkey kinda do what with the whole muse aesthetic that they have going on with Yijun inspiring Sekye to write and Sekye inspiring/helping Yijun to act) but it ends with them wanting each other, choosing each other despite knowing all the horrible feelings that they'd have to endure by being together because isn't that what humans do? Go after what they want damn the consequences cause anything that makes us happy, we grab a hold of it, tight. It ends with them choosing what they want cause that's what we have been doing everyday, are doing everyday and will do everyday.

    PS. Idk why I'm coming up with all these huge paragraphs either.

dracina May 15, 2024 6:30 pm

I am a simple person, I see Brother Without a Tomorrow, I click.

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