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I'm the type of person who sees bad reviews and suddenly needs to check out the story, eve...

Tiricchi September 14, 2020 11:42 pm

I'm the type of person who sees bad reviews and suddenly needs to check out the story, even if it wastes my time, because what could prompt reviews so bad? (I usually get disappointed when it's a yaoi and the content matches the bad reviews and I want to demand my time back from the author(s)).

ANYWAY, so I checked out chapters 1-3 and honestly the plot is interesting. Not my exact cup of tea, but it has enough potential to be right up my alley if brewed right. I might read more.The art to me isn't THAT bad because I've probably been desensitized from reading good or okay stories with bad/mediocre art on Webtoon, and I read ONE's mob psycho and one punch man and his art wasn't so phenomenal either (improved a lot over time though!)

If Author ever sees this, I'd say keep going. Maybe practice a little before starting chapters, but hey it's up to you, and maybe over time the art will get much better. I know my art was trash and cringey 2 years ago compared to now, so anyone can improve!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
