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Kazuha :(

yunita98 September 15, 2020 4:58 pm

I'm proud of kazuha, he never force himself towards yuuma eventho it hurts so much when someone you thought will accept you as a part of person reject you and on top of that when you were doing it, I kinda wanna slap yuuma tho for acting so kind to accept all of his parts but actually just care about rei haha how can you hurt him that much.. You can love rei but at least dont reject the other existence in front of him, can you? You tease him first so then it lead you two to doing that and you reject him, you can chose to not doing it in the first place. Im sorry pls dont be mad at me, this is just how I feel, im pretty sad and so sorry for kazuma...

    choco September 15, 2020 10:49 pm

    Rejecting an alter's romantic advances isnt the denial theyre advising against. They mean don't deny their existence or tell them that theyre all one person etc.