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(Spoilers ????) Wtf I honestly don’t get this book like I’m sure it must make more sen...

helloclitty September 23, 2020 5:33 pm

(Spoilers ????) Wtf I honestly don’t get this book like I’m sure it must make more sense in Chinese maybe? But like y is the seme such an asshole when he’s so obsessed with the uke ??? Backwards angst?? Wouldn’t it have made more sense for him to be cold at first and even angry at Yu being a man, but then learn to love him? Instead of immediately accepting it but then treating him like shit??? Bc in the book he’s an asshole too...IDFKKKKK this just has so much potential and ill def buy the offical English translation if they make one but the plot is just not the best (@ ̄ρ ̄@)
