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People calm down he did not die. Have you guys ever walked on fresh fallen snow, it makes ...

Sallie March 11, 2015 11:04 pm

People calm down he did not die. Have you guys ever walked on fresh fallen snow, it makes a crunching sound under your feet, it is not ice he is walking on. This is what happened, the women at the shop recognized Jun from the missing people alert they saw, and the women notified the police about the wear about of Jun. Jun did not take the main road leading into town; the police arrived just as he disappeared out of sight. In a sense, they both changed each other lives, each bringing something different. It is a love manga, I like how the characters changed towards each other as the manga expended.

    CatCat November 24, 2015 6:32 am

    I totally agree! I went back and re read after seeing the comments thinking I'd missed something, but no you're spot on. I live where there's snow, it wasn't ice cracking, just snow crunching!

    Geo April 10, 2016 9:54 am

    But they again they where next to frozen water.