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Ozge September 25, 2020 8:33 am

This is one of my favorite mangas and it has been like two years since I finished the anime and I have been reading the manga since then. This is such a good character development that I feel speechless every time. I don’t mean that this is a positive chara dev. as in Phos doesn’t become good but instead succumbs to other effects and changes gradually and its so gradually that it took this long of a time and I love that. From the moment he lost his legs to his arms and even his head it’s such a complex web of other gems that in the end this may not be even Phos. Phos might have died long time ago or even when he lost his head to sapphire but you see no one is sure. Because they are gems! This is not as simple as Ajin where when they lose their head they become different (that’s why the main was trying so hard to protect his head if I remembered correctly) they are gems and each part of their body contains their memories (their hair containing the least). Phos losing his legs was a huge memory loss but for the first time he had felt important and so he gave his arms for the sake of a better improvement (even though he didn’t knew he was going to get gold ones, he hoped for something better and more useful than himself). Phos is no longer just himself and I feel both sad for him and amazed at this brilliant fiction. His want for ending this fight once and for all clouded his judgement and there is no one there to show him the right way because he was always the odd one out. He was never truly friends with any other gems even if he tried so hard and now he is alone on a mission he assigned himself for the sake of others while ruining them in the process.

    Ozge September 25, 2020 8:40 am

    I meant fiction as in plot

    agathat September 25, 2020 3:41 pm

    You may be right, after all, in the last chapter he sees an image of the old Phos and didn't recognize him!!!