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auxetic_ September 25, 2020 9:44 pm

this one had a lot of symbolism. there were so many panels and texts that were so perfectly weaved together that i just can’t help but let it simmer within me longer. i loved it. i loved it from the start, but not particularly until the end.

maybe it’s because im the kind of person who knows what she deserves. i don’t want to love, if i am not loved, and if you treat me badly (as badly as key does to rinko, even with all that ugh—“bagge of his past”) it’s an automatic thank you next. so maybe i dont get the logic of her choosing key at then end? but this is something I know for sure:

I’d probably, at least from time to time in my life, ask, “what if” for the rest of my life if I hadn’t gone with Key and chose hasakawa.

and maybe that’s the whole point of the story. eliminating “what ifs” and actually answering it up with because. maybe that really is the curse of age as you grow older, the questions in the “what if” category grows too. this manga entertains the idea, all the what ifs that cultivated in a 30 something woman being answered—or rather, eliminated. I just wish that Key had a stronger impact or at least interacted more with our FL. in that way, i wouldnt really hate him as much and maybe really get my heart to tug in his direction and make me QUESTION THAT WHAT IF STRONGER.

with how he has been treating our FL, i just feel like he doesn’t deserve that much of a strong “what if” but just daily musings tbh. he’s something to be thankful for that you got rid of in your life..yknow? he treated her so badly, and that’s just wrong.

I guess for me there are some people that you really can’t just let pass by in your life as a “what if...” y’know? and I feel Key should have just remained as a “what if”
