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Umm.. is the principal the priest??????

Onion September 27, 2020 3:21 pm

Is it just me or does it kinda look like the school principal might be the priest, like go back and read the chapter with the principal and the scenes immediately following...

I want to believe

    BlueEyes September 28, 2020 2:30 am

    The girl priest that put the MC in the Anubis dungeon?

    Nyx September 30, 2020 6:27 pm
    The girl priest that put the MC in the Anubis dungeon? BlueEyes

    Yes that bi*ch

    BlueEyes September 30, 2020 10:42 pm
    Yes that bi*ch Nyx

    hmm then I don't think she's the principal. I can't see it.

    Aki March 28, 2024 8:22 am

    The priest girl likes the brother so the principal isn’t the girl also she doesn’t act like him. And we see the principals character later after she reunites with the brother.