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Sugamint September 29, 2020 8:47 pm

I get where Will is coming from, and I kind of agree with his arguments regarding Julio. Self-preservation and all that, I get it. But what I don't understand is after knowing what Juda went through with the other omega girl and then getting paired with Daath who he barely tolerated for a period of time, and think "that's easy". Wtf dude.

    Bloodyhell95 September 29, 2020 10:54 pm

    I suppose Will's problem is that Daath and Juda had it "easy" in that they found their soul mate without effort. But the development of their relationship was hindered cuz they were both so difficult. Even now, though they love each other, Daath and Juda fight uselessly, but that's just how they are with each other. Will might think that soul bonds are easy, and the only reason Daath and Juda had it hard was their own self sabotage. He also might think the only reason they overcame all those hurdles is BECAUSE they're soul mates. If they weren't, they probably would never have gotten together.