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I can't like the seme

エル April 5, 2015 5:19 am

The manga is really good, the story is quite cute, but for some reason... I don't know why, I kinda wish the uke didn't end up with the seme. Even if he's devoted to the uke, I can't bring myself to like him -_- Maybe the fact that he used to sleep around put me off? I can't help thinking the uke is too good for him but maybe that's just me.

    Anonymous April 20, 2015 3:11 pm

    Goodness me,you are too good to be true..... Just wait till you learn the reality abt companionship for one is a saint!

    エル April 21, 2015 1:00 pm
    Goodness me,you are too good to be true..... Just wait till you learn the reality abt companionship for one is a saint! @Anonymous

    sadly, yeah, what you said is true :(