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What Makio said, about not everybody falling in love and that it was okay, I felt that. I...

Namtu October 7, 2020 7:36 am

What Makio said, about not everybody falling in love and that it was okay, I felt that.
I'd come to this realization only a few months ago. I'd been sitting on a chair in my room, it was completely quiet as everybody was asleep.
The morning dawn was slowly spreading. I felt utterly alone.
And I was worrying, about this imaginary checklist of my life, and how my life seemed to stretch before me meaninglessly. I'm already 23, I feel I'm only wasting my life and not particularly heading anywhere.
I was trying to convince myself that I wouldn't necessarily be leading a life similar to that of others, so I shouldn't be worrying about the 'checklist' either.
And suddenly this cold realization washes over me, that I wouldn't necessarily be falling in love either or have the kind of relationship the romantic in me keeps reading about.
It's not like I never had any opportunities, it just wouldn't work out that way- mostly due to how aloof I am as a person.
It's almost as if I like the idea of it but can't embrace the reality of it. My heart feels fickle.

I find myself relating to a lot of things Makio says but she's much more of a 'nobler' person than I ever could be.

    nadica1409 October 7, 2020 4:27 pm

    Sorry, I didn't want to dislike
    I am 30 years old and I didn't experience love. And its okay. It is not a bad thing

    horse queer October 7, 2020 5:38 pm

    I love the comments under this manga so much

    Yuuri October 7, 2020 10:33 pm

    I feel like falling in love with someone is something that is deemed as a must-have. The way i see it, as of right now is, im so in love with everything. My surrounding, the small experiences, and overall just moments, that i don't necessarily need anyone. It makes you fickle in the eyes of those who believe that happiness derives from pouring your hard work and love into someone.