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Yacchan character DISCUSSION

kane-san October 8, 2020 7:12 pm

Yacchan is one of the most well written teen characters in a bl. His feeling are so complex and realistic. He’s impulsive and the way he’s written fully encapsulates who he really is, he’s given a lot of internal monologue because he still has baggage, and nonetheless, his feelings a mystery and can be taken whoever direction you feel like.

Id like to have a mini discussion on Yacchan as a character, I can gush on him over and over if I had the time.
But I’d like to clear some things first, please chip in if you see fit :)
Yacchan feels he’s been in the shadow of Yuu all this time, because of that he felt the need to steal Toono from Yuu, after discovering that he got a crush on Toono (referring to when he’d take Toono to his dorm and make him sleep on the same bed, even tho he had an extra futon >o<),
Yacchan felt like he was having revenge on Yuu and gave him a bit of a thrill, because it was the first time he ‘rebelled’ and had the upper hand between himself and Yuu, because he’s always been in silent competition with him.

Now, his character: When Toono discovers his real character, in the panels he is shown irritated, after Toono reveals he still had feelings for him, despite him being mean to him during the trip, you can still gets a little angry, like why do you still like me? Even after I tried so hard to show you and only you, my true colour colours you still fall for me, he’s a lil angry. But to me it looks like he’s that tsundere angry, but angry at himself in a way. I feel like he felt that way because he only wanted to mess with Yuu a little bit, but now he’s in a predicament, that no matter what he does to ‘try’ and shake Toono off and test how far Toonos feelings are, he still likes him, no matter how much of his dark side he showed him.

He feels reluctant to take the next step to fully snatch Toono away, like how they were lying in the bed together, and Yacchan had the given opportunity to get close but he still didn’t. I feel like he felt guilty that he had the power to steal him from Yuu, and toy with Toonos feelings at the same time, after genuinely befriending him this time, after all they have a special relationship. If word gets out of Yacchans real self, he’s probably get ditched, so that’s why he feels reluctant to hurt Toono like this, even tho Toonos probably the only that accepted him, after being fake.
But I had a feeling that he lowkey likes being in Yuus shadow, you know that feeling when you feel like you have the power to surpass you rival, i feel like that’s what he felt. It’s thrilling, but doing something out out of spite doesn’t make you feel good, you want to remain in competition with them.

2. But I’m confused about is: has Yacchan fallen in love with Yuu? Because he’s claimed that’s who looked up to, I mean he erased his own personality to emulate Yuu, but has he fallen in love? He’s said he had respect for him and whatnot, and when he was seen blushing, we all know the reason, which must’ve been the most embarrassing moments, urghhh poor guy
So can someone properly explain if he genuinely has feelings for him or not? I know he has deep admiration for him, but does it go further than that?

2. Also, there’s also that scene. When that time that boy who molested Toono comes back for the second time, Yacchan saves him by saying in his head, that he planned to come and save him slowly like a knight, but sent him flying with a punch instead out of instinct. And he gets angry that Toono didn’t ask anybody for help, and he kept quiet about it. Did he angry because he knows Toono likes him, and he still didn’t call for him, like how you call the name of the person you like, in hopes they come running (I’m assuming that’s what he would’ve done if he was in Toonos place)? Or was he angry that he had to show his ugly side him to angry again. He blushes and there’s the panel where he’s so flustered to the point where he can’t even see that he isn’t even the baguette properly loool, was he embarrassed that he tried to be like Yuu so much, and Toono didn’t even get that impressed or anything. Or is he angry that he can’t bring himself to steal him away with being himself and tries so hard to emulate Yuu, but he fails, but is the fact it it’s his bad side that Toono properly likes best.
3. And there’s the scene at the beginning at chapter 17, where Yacchans like, ‘if Yuu wasn’t my opponent than I’d probably be doing better but...’ Doing better in what. Has Yacchan fallen for Toono, I don’t understand!
I know this is long as fuck, if u wanna reply specify which part so we can have a discussion as I can see in desperate.

    Lauren Silva October 10, 2020 9:08 pm
    The spoilers, I saw it. // spoiler Im not sure if Minami was in the house as well but I could not understand what the senpai, their teacher’s bf said to Akemi. He said something along the lines of didn’t yo... psychemenace

    I think Minami was " the hand".

    grasswinkeu October 10, 2020 11:13 pm
    Ikkk, i hope he wasn’t burnt too bad, because I know it’ll have a butterfly effect on Itome kane-san

    Wwww Itome's eyes are REALLY pretty tho, and I know Minami supposedly did something bad but he looks really pretty too

    Lauren Silva October 11, 2020 2:15 pm
    The spoilers, I saw it. // spoiler Im not sure if Minami was in the house as well but I could not understand what the senpai, their teacher’s bf said to Akemi. He said something along the lines of didn’t yo... psychemenace

    I think Minami cheated on Akemi with a women. That’s why Akemi hates women ( that’s petty and immature).

    kane-san October 11, 2020 2:24 pm
    I think Minami cheated on Akemi with a women. That’s why Akemi hates women ( that’s petty and immature). Lauren Silva

    Oooh that’s probably the reason. But I was rereading the manga from the start where Akemi was introducing the club members to Toono for hen first time, and Akemi introduces Itome as my super cute boyfriend, that I’m completely in love with. Maybe akemi does love itome , but he may have baggage in their relationship that he needs to deal with, before he pursues it any further

    Lauren Silva October 30, 2020 1:09 pm
    Agreed on a lot of your points, Yacchan is really interesting!! I personally think he doesn't like Yuu in that way, and is probably constantly embarrassed and frustrated, and I don't think he likes the part of ... grasswinkeu

    He wasnt disgusted when Kashima told him that he likes Toono. So why do you think Yacchan has internalized homophobia?

    grasswinkeu October 30, 2020 9:25 pm
    He wasnt disgusted when Kashima told him that he likes Toono. So why do you think Yacchan has internalized homophobia? Lauren Silva

    I dunno maybe at first? Because when that random classmate confessed to him he was disgusted, and Yacchan also called Tamura like a toilet/something along those lines toward the beginning of the series (i think it was because he saw all the hickies on Tamura?). Also when he first speculated Kashima liked Toono he kept thinking like, why would he like someone like Toono.
    Either that, or he's just really really salty haha

    kane-san October 31, 2020 12:06 am
    I dunno maybe at first? Because when that random classmate confessed to him he was disgusted, and Yacchan also called Tamura like a toilet/something along those lines toward the beginning of the series (i think... grasswinkeu

    His bad side hates everyone, homo or hetero. Oh and the scene by the water fountain with tamura was basically a phrase Japanese use I general, when someone (Herero or homo) has that fresh smell of sex, if you directly translate that, says you smell like a toilet , not homophobic.!
    And the bit were he was pondering on why yuu would like someone (average) like Toono, it was more of a feeling that because yacchan has deep admiration for yuu (the very person he built his facade on), was in love with someone like Toono. He likes to copy yuu down to the bone, and is convinced that they have become so alike, to the point where yacchan gets irritated and confused when yuu does someting irrational like fall for someone like Toono, who he saw initially as pretty average. He probably thougt at this point, you would fall for someone who’s worth falling for (?) who’s popular and someone who’s on the ‘same’ calibre as he is. And that’s the thing, where yacchan was on some clown shit cuz he fell for Toono too. Toono has this special ability where he’s so charming in his own way, however when people think charming they immediately think smooth talker, like usui from maid sama, but toonos adorbale and charming in the sense that he’s vulnerable, cute and honest where you have no choice but to fall for his charm and want to protect him. That it ;)

    psychemenace October 31, 2020 3:41 am
    His bad side hates everyone, homo or hetero. Oh and the scene by the water fountain with tamura was basically a phrase Japanese use I general, when someone (Herero or homo) has that fresh smell of sex, if you d... kane-san

    I really really think Toono is quite popular it’s just that Yacchan’s true self like you said doesn’t really like people that much. XD His true self really is a snob to be perfectly honest and that’s prolly why compared to Yuu (when they were younger) he wasn’t popular and well liked (because of his personality). He also used to frown and complain abt stuff all the time and is really selfish. Hahahhaha

    I dont think he has internalized homophobia as well. Because everyone in that academy seem to be open to it, and Yacchan never seem to poke fun or insult others with their sexual preference. Yeah and I agree. He just calls Tamura a toilet because he doesn’t like him (Tamura always gets on his bad side because of the guy’s awkwardness) and he’s known to be promiscuous XD. Another point is, he never stopped and thought abt the wrongness and rightness of his feelings for Tono. His first concern was “something won’t happen between them” . Lol he’s so cute. XD Tono rather is the one who has a difficulty understanding that someone could be attracted to another man. Lol but he really is being too conscious of Kashima. And I hate the fact that they both always share the most precious moments together. :((( Sensei what abt Yacchan.???? ... personality-wise they really fit together. But moments and pogi-points wise Kashima is really winning.

    I want to see Tono and Yacchan spend the summer together. They both made plans u.u I’m excited for it.

    grasswinkeu October 31, 2020 5:17 am
    I really really think Toono is quite popular it’s just that Yacchan’s true self like you said doesn’t really like people that much. XD His true self really is a snob to be perfectly honest and that’s pr... psychemenace

    Yea you're right, I just sort of theorized that like past midnight as a sort of "what if", but I agree with what you said about Yacchan, when you pay more attention to him he's pretty nuanced and maybe even relatable.

    That being said, I wouldn't know for sure who I ship with Toono more... Yacchan is such an interesting and funny character to look at by at the same time Kashima is really nice to Toono (albeit in my opinion he's kinda basic). I wonder if Kashima will have any angsty backstory, considering Tanaka's writing... she puts a lot of detail/ foreshadowing in already I think, at least with Yacchan.

    Anyways I'm very excited to see what her next chapters will give us~

    Side note, if im honest im more excited to see Toono's interactions with the upperclassmen because he's been getting closer to them ever since the camping trip and I think it's adorable

    kane-san October 31, 2020 9:28 pm
    Yea you're right, I just sort of theorized that like past midnight as a sort of "what if", but I agree with what you said about Yacchan, when you pay more attention to him he's pretty nuanced and maybe even rel... grasswinkeu

    Same, so wish there is an angsty backstory for kashima, with the way it’s developing we all presume, that kashimas going to be the main lead lover, and he needs more nuance and layers to his personality a little bit. That little bit of character that we got when we found out that he was in fact jealous of yacchan when they were children was no where near enough, lemme just put, that’s why even thought i like him, he’s definitely not up there, the others over shadowed him, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it also is

    Lauren Silva October 31, 2020 10:34 pm

    Leave Kashima alone! Being friendly isn't dull!

    grasswinkeu November 1, 2020 5:53 am
    Same, so wish there is an angsty backstory for kashima, with the way it’s developing we all presume, that kashimas going to be the main lead lover, and he needs more nuance and layers to his personality a lit... kane-san

    Hmm yea but knowing the author she'll make him more nuanced somehow, although at this point he seems a little to perfect and immune to what goes on in the bitch club haha. I think when Toono's relationship with him, and or Yacchan, develops more we'll get more from him. I do admit that his concession scene with Toono was pretty cute, though(⌒▽⌒)

    psychemenace November 1, 2020 10:34 am

    I have a confession, I was actually initially rooting for Yacchan to be with Toono (before I reread) like super but somehow after rereading, I accidentally swerved to Kashima’s side. This was what I was talking abt when I said sensei always gives Kashima the most meaningful moments with Toono.

    Actually Kashima might seem basic because he’s always portrayed as the perfect guy. Even Toono has said multiple times that he found him perfect. In the latter chapters tho, we finally found out that he’s actually not that perfect. He is jealous of Yacchan. Yacchan doesn’t realize he has things Kashima doesn’t. He is actually a little bit selfish especially when it comes to Toono but he tries really hard not to be selfish. He really likes Toono so much that he was abt to act in a way that’s out of character to find him in the woods. He always wants to spend time with him (esp at the camp because they were not team mates). He might not have the most adorable character like Yacchan, but he really does super duper as in care for Toono. And somehow Toono does see him as a potential love interest as well as someone that he could trust.

    This is why !!!! If the development of their relationship would continue on, ughh Yacchan will seriously be left behind that’s why I want Yacchan to confess as soon as possible because at this rate he will prolly lose :(((( If he wants Toono to see him as a potential love interest he has to. The guy is seriously oblivious to his feelings.

    I want sensei to at least level the playing field for both Kashima and Yacchan. My sister is a hardcore Yacchan/Toono fan but the case with her is, she never reread the whole thing and Ive been trying to tell her to reread it again so thay at least she wont be as hard on Kashima but she doesn’t want to (for fear of swerving to Kashima’s side perhaps hahahaah)

    And I agree Kashima’s confession really k-oed me.

    kane-san November 1, 2020 11:24 pm

    okay, just saying the fact u have a sis who likes bl is just, had me envious. lol
    anyway, umm yes, literally agreed with everything when i was reading it all in my head. Thats exactly what I felt about kashima towards the beginning, it was too perfect, but now i guess that image has been shattered, and i feel like sensei wanted his only imperfection i guess (which is possessiveness), to be directed at toono, to intensify his feelings and make it a lil more legitimate. He's never been selfish about anything in his life, he always gives his pudding away, even thought he loves it, but he doesnt want to give away toono, even thought hes been rejected by him in a way. To be fair, if kashima ends up going with toono, I don't want to see yacchan angry because it seems like he cant catch a break, and be content with something and find inner peace with himself. Idk why people are expecting for yacchan to acknowledge his true feelings towards toono when he hasnt even been able to come to terms with his own true personality, i meannnn. I'm like you tho, so would love to see a true romantic moment between yacchan and toono, but with the pace hes going and discovering things at (his feelings for toono), yacchan baby youre gonna get left behind in the race hun.

    Lauren Silva June 27, 2021 3:32 pm

    Do you have a Tumblr because I'll like to re-read your post. It's not easy to find your comments. Your analysis was fun to read...

    kane-san June 28, 2021 12:25 am
    Do you have a Tumblr because I'll like to re-read your post. It's not easy to find your comments. Your analysis was fun to read... Lauren Silva

    babe im so sorry, i actually do not have a tumblr or any other platform where i express my opinions and points. i don't think my observations are too interesting to read, and they kind of spark out of no-where, but thank you ( ´・・)ノ(._.`)