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Wasted potential but still hopeful :’(

veara2034 October 15, 2020 9:37 pm

The beginning is very confusing, there is little explanation/details about anything. Throughout the chapters, the translations are not very good which becomes confusing and most things aren’t very well explained despite Shen Yi being very knowledgeable. The characters feel so one-dimensional, like they all have the same personality, thought process, and dialogue so it feels like he’s dealing with the same people. Shen Yi is also too OP for someone who “lost a lot of his power” going to Earth so it’s easy to forget that detail. Everything is fast-paced, sporadic, and also very boring because it lacks a lot of elements (not to mention some events are eerily similar to Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator). Otherwise, I think the plot itself is original and fairly interesting if it was done better. I hoped it improved as I read further but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. Since I didn’t entirely hate it but can’t say I love it either.

    mandy_j October 23, 2020 10:16 am

    Very nicely put. It seems that 9 out 10 so called masters that he meets has to have a grudge with him and every female automatically wants him. I agree with your comment.

    Ruchya November 11, 2020 2:44 am
    Very nicely put. It seems that 9 out 10 so called masters that he meets has to have a grudge with him and every female automatically wants him. I agree with your comment. mandy_j

    Not true at all!!! I'm on chapter 144 and there is only two females who like him... so I have know idea what you guys are talking about.

    veara2034 November 11, 2020 4:45 am
    Not true at all!!! I'm on chapter 144 and there is only two females who like him... so I have know idea what you guys are talking about. Ruchya

    I wasn’t talking about female characters to begin with. Just the characters in general don’t feel entirely fleshed out enough to serve any actual purpose for the MC other than causing trouble over and over again (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    mandy_j December 8, 2020 5:30 am
    Not true at all!!! I'm on chapter 144 and there is only two females who like him... so I have know idea what you guys are talking about. Ruchya

    I read too many romances, so I was interested in seeing him married with a kid. Most, if not all females I've seen, see him as Deepak then once he shows his strength seem to be interested in him. That's how I've see it reading this. This does seem very repetitive though. I'm enjoying reading g it but it seems that he keeps meeting people who under estimate him, he shows his power, they regret and or die. Theres not much to the story / characters so far in my opinion, but it's still nice to read.