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Interesting ...

tokidoki May 1, 2015 7:20 am

Hmmm...I think that the 'annoying' button is getting overused on this page - I mean really, some of the most innocuous comments are being marked as annoying, why? If someone does not agree with a comment, why not post a rebuttal instead of using that button? I think the intention of the 'annoying' button was to help eliminate abusive text, spam and trolling, not to disagree with a comment.

    reponce May 2, 2015 2:07 am
    Ah, I didn't notice the "superiority" bragging. My bad ^^'She doesn't seem ill-intentioned, so I'd take that with a grain of salt, but that's just me... Maybe I didn't see the whole thing, I thought people were... Lightasus

    i wasn't braagging! she insult me and tell me to get a life coz i posted 5 comment in row, i reply just to make here sure that she know nothing about my life, she was at fault how come most of people are againt me, my reply was specific for her coz she insult me! why other feels target? i didn't post that much! well it's not like i have nothing else to do, so i will not share my thoughts here coz the majority didn't like my posting, they don't own this website but they spoiled it with their negatif hateful comments. u can understand them well i don't perhaps its because differences in culture?

    Lyre May 2, 2015 2:07 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Vega

    Listen pal, this is going overboard. Though I don't know reponce and I didn't like it when she lost control with the numbers of comments but she didn't brag in general. She only replied to an offender and even if she bragged, then starting from now that is her business. It is the ones who bully others who should be ashamed so don't throw stones at others when your house is made of glass.

    Lyre May 2, 2015 2:13 am
    dear god, you hopeless creature...your comments are some of the most asinine I've seen on this board, your logic is that of a drunk 3 year-old... and what is this I hear about you supposedly rubbing your intell... @@reponce

    Dear God you and helpless you (write God with capital "G" smart you). For your information, I told her to leave this space for all the people who are doing some nasty bullying (obviously you are a bully too). Bickering with you is just a waste of time, the only thing which matters here is the manga and good people who can negotiate and make a point without intimidating and bullying.
    Have a nice day.

    Lyre May 2, 2015 2:14 am
    Listen pal, this is going overboard. Though I don't know reponce and I didn't like it when she lost control with the numbers of comments but she didn't brag in general. She only replied to an offender and even ... @Lyre

    your not helping your case your also being mean to vega with your comment. reponce she did start provoke people with some other of her comments to but Alice at above explained very good why everyone find reponce offend them

    Lightasus May 2, 2015 2:26 am
    i wasn't braagging! she insult me and tell me to get a life coz i posted 5 comment in row, i reply just to make here sure that she know nothing about my life, she was at fault how come most of people are againt... reponce

    Pfff, c'est sûrement pas une différence de culture, mis à part que les américains (et très certainement plusieurs autres places) très généralement croient que c'est très bien de tout dire ce qu'ils pensent même quand c'est légèrement direct. Enfin, je généralise intense. Mais non, je n'arrive pas tant à les comprendre pour l'instant :P

    Mais oui, j'avais cru comprendre que tu te défendais plus qu'autre chose, les gens disaient le contraire alors bon j'avais peut-être manqué un bout de cette histoire.

    Et puis bon, c'est peut-être de la manière dont tu as phrasé tes trucs, c'est facile de sonner insultant dans une autre langue sans le faire exprès. Par exemple l'utilisation du "you" peut vite devenir trop insultant pour je ne sais trop quoi, alors bon, j'essaie de l'éviter xD. Moi je dis ça comme ça hein, au final j'en sais que trop rien. Au final c'est sûrement juste des gens qui ont eu une mauvaise journée ou je ne sais trop quoi.

    Panique pas. J'aime comment ils spamment des trucs bien négatifs en se plaignant du spam, c'est bien ironique tout ça comme tu l'as dit. Bref, ça s'en va nulle part cette histoire, laisse ça passer.

    reponce May 2, 2015 3:01 am
    Comparing you to person from developing country is insult to person from developing country @Anonymous

    i thumps you down and i don't know who's the other but i can predicate that's u will not have more than that! i don't know i was insulting and when I reply to YOU eveyone was on ur side, it's really lamentable and degrading but what u can say life is anfair, but thanks god i' am glad and proud about my developping country free education and free hospital, without racism... (by the way developing country and developed country u made a mistake) well @+

    勇気 (Yuuki) May 2, 2015 3:12 am

    I'm reading this entire conversation and I really hope that some of this is trolling. Otherwise I've lost faith in humanity. Let's just read the damn BL on this site and not use it to indulge the pass-time of obviously ignorant individuals. I for one, to actually re-rail the conversation to the original topic, hope that Mangago will eventually let you take back your votes, because I find myself accidentally voting people down every once in awhile and it makes me feel rather lousy.

    Anonymous May 2, 2015 3:12 am
    i thumps you down and i don't know who's the other but i can predicate that's u will not have more than that! i don't know i was insulting and when I reply to YOU eveyone was on ur side, it's really lamentable ... reponce

    to bad i can say any thing i want like you

    tokidoki May 2, 2015 3:21 am

    OMG! I did not mean to start such a huge debate! I just wanted to comment that the annoying button was being a little overused. Sorry to anyone who has gotten caught up in this debate, that was not my intention! Yikes *ducks for cover after seeing more what amounts to three pages of responses*

    勇気 (Yuuki) May 2, 2015 3:46 am
    Pfff, c'est sûrement pas une différence de culture, mis à part que les américains (et très certainement plusieurs autres places) très généralement croient que c'est très bien de tout dire ce qu'ils pen... Lightasus

    Very well said!


    And that giant blurb, just in case you don't speak Japanese, Reponse, is describing my advice to you: please go back and relearn English grammar and punctuation if you are so inclined. I have many a friend who would attest to the same sort of multi-lingual mastery as you, but the weight of their opinions are far greater acknowledged by the eloquence and control of their statements through proper usage of paragraph organization and sentence punctuation. Your paragraphs are littered with careless mistakes that, even to someone who spoke English as their first language, would be unacceptable. And they are things which you could easily rectify, and things for which you cannot claim the "4th language" as ample reasoning to have presented yourself so. If you have an incorrect understanding of the language, then you can claim your foreign tongue to be the cause, but text speak and bad punctuation, ESPECIALLY because you speak alternatively other European languages (not Asian languages) is frankly rude. As Lightasus was saying, your overall tone as a writer is at its core combative and foul-natured. If you are not a troll, I do recommend that you correct that.

    To native speakers especially, the language you are speaking is not only a secret code of some sort with which to talk to others, unbeknownst to those ignorant of the foreign tongue you speak, but also it is literally the channel through which a culture is conveyed, and an official staple of a subset of people that is meant to be respected and cherish, if even difficult to formulate in perfection. If I didn't give my all in every language I have learned (as a Japanese Language major), I would feel ashamed that I have so brazenly trampled upon the written tradition of what I have aspired to learn. I do respectfully hope that you are more prolific in your other 3 languages, and that you will, with certainty, write as though you wish to allow others to "hear" your thoughts properly, not merely putting fingers to keys for the sake of hearing your own dialect of incoherent hogwash. (^_^)/ Thanks.

    勇気 (Yuuki) May 2, 2015 3:52 am
    Very well said! 私も別の言語を返信します。@Reponceレポンスさん、たくさん言語を話すでもいい。けど、よかたらぜひもっと連取して下さい。私は子供時から�... 勇気 (Yuuki)

    aaaaaand I made a mistake in the Japanese >.> classic. 文法* instead of 文保.

    reponce May 2, 2015 9:48 am
    aaaaaand I made a mistake in the Japanese >.> classic. 文法* instead of 文保. 勇気 (Yuuki)

    who are u? i didn't read ur long comment, popcorn time is over, next time! sans rancune.

    Lightasus May 2, 2015 12:28 pm
    aaaaaand I made a mistake in the Japanese >.> classic. 文法* instead of 文保. 勇気 (Yuuki)

    Whoa, if you can't understand French very well, don't try to quote me O.o. Beware the language barrier.
    Everyone falls into that kind of trap with foreign languages, especially when they're so close to your native one and you just assume it works the same, even me to this day... Though I'm not exactly sure that that was the issue here. In any case, I wasn't saying that that her writing was foul-natured or anything of the sort, please don't put words into my mouth :)

    Lightasus May 2, 2015 3:22 pm
    aaaaaand I made a mistake in the Japanese >.> classic. 文法* instead of 文保. 勇気 (Yuuki)

    After further consideration, that's probably only a small interpretation issue, nothing to do about your reading skills.

    Personally, I never studied English. I just assimilate languages as time goes through medias. I read novels when I was a child, I ended up writing near-perfect French at 12. Played English video games because they weren't available in French here at the time, ended up learning it and started to sleep in English classes. I couldn't dictate you grammar rules to save my life though. Same for Japanese, subbed animes surprisingly made me assimilate lots over the years, though of course I have to study the kanjis (after I learned hiraganas and katakanas in two days). They're fun to learn in any case :3

    I don't think most people that know more than one language have given lots of time to study it. It just becomes better with time when it's actually useful to you on a daily basis.

    Miyanoai May 3, 2015 12:17 am
    who are u? i didn't read ur long comment, popcorn time is over, next time! sans rancune. reponce

    I hate to say it, but they may be right about the grammar. If English is your 4th language, off grammar is expected, but you write many and long comments, there's a chance some people just be off-put by having a hard time reading it, and therefore click annoying because of seeing it so much. Again, this is just one possibility. I would recommend maybe start by capitalizing the beginning of your sentences and not using "text" shortenings (such as ur and coz) in order to improve your language skills. Since you know so many languages, I assume you have an interest in them, and would want to improve them whenever you can. :)

    Sheesh I was gone for a day and this filled two more pages...a teraz gramy z innymi językami? (╯°Д °)╯╧╧