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Interesting ...

tokidoki May 1, 2015 7:20 am

Hmmm...I think that the 'annoying' button is getting overused on this page - I mean really, some of the most innocuous comments are being marked as annoying, why? If someone does not agree with a comment, why not post a rebuttal instead of using that button? I think the intention of the 'annoying' button was to help eliminate abusive text, spam and trolling, not to disagree with a comment.

    Lightasus May 2, 2015 12:26 am
    Whenever I come to this site and scroll through these comments, I see half of it filled with yours. Comments affect people even if its the most menial @Shadowoverthemoon

    I count 11 on this page with this one. I sincerely hope it's not bothering you too much, I really did not mean to.

    Replying to skye May 2, 2015 12:29 am
    Dear Anonymous, honey, (since I can only assume you are talking about my comment) it seems we're having a communication issue: I was complimenting @Alice for her comment, in essence, I'm agreeing with everythin... @Skye

    Listen skye, I am not the anonymous who wrote the previous comment but I like your replies and the way you "reason", but it is not a compliment. It is a different "like" especially since the way you talk seems like you are already a middle-aged woman but not necessarily a college graduate, far from it actually (but that doesn't matter, what matters is that you slipped on a banana peel and you haven't noticed it yet. Of course, it is to be expected, you have too much brain cells that your brain became overcharged :) ).
    Well the irony which the previous anonymous pointed out is that Alice made a very good argument against people who show off. The anonymous who replied to you was trying to make you see that you too were bragging by handing out IQ certificates and posing yourself as some sort of an omniscient deity who can actually tell who is average or not.
    As for the final part of your reply, I am sure that by now you understand that before being worried about whether other people have more brain cells or not, are average or not, you should worry about how to use yours. You are the one who set the discriminating cleavage between average/ non-average so at least make the effort to achieve the crossover from below the average to the average, and good luck with that. I know it is going to be very difficult for you :)

    Shadowoverthemoon May 2, 2015 12:33 am
    Half?I count 11 on this page with this one. I sincerely hope it's not bothering you too much, I really did not mean to. Lightasus

    You don't annoy me, but clearly my comment affected you if you had to count your comments. My point is it's no big surprise that comments affect some people's lives that much. People do care more about strangers words

    reponce May 2, 2015 12:34 am

    (this reply is just for Anonymous) u know what i swear I assist my teacher in the class, most of times i give lessons all by myself indeed with another trainee ! so what my students will do if they see my comments. u tell me (⌒▽⌒).

    reponce May 2, 2015 12:37 am
    Dear, if you show your comments to your university, I'm sure they will entitle you a full refund on your degree(s) @Anonymous

    (this reply is just for Anonymous) u know what i swear I assist my teacher in the class, most of times i give lessons all by myself indeed with another trainee ! so what my students will do if they see my comments. u tell me (⌒▽⌒).

    Lightasus May 2, 2015 12:41 am
    You don't annoy me, but clearly my comment affected you if you had to count your comments. My point is it's no big surprise that comments affect some people's lives that much. People do care more about stranger... @Shadowoverthemoon

    I was actually curious about how many I posted, since I feel I barely come here nowadays :3. I'm the type to translate notes for the heck of it, of course I'm going to count for the heck of it. And I'm responding to this for very similar reasons :)

    Thing is, I don't think reponce was talking to anyone on a personal level prior to this minor uproar. So I don't see how people got affected by that... And comments on her intelligence sounds rather out of place to me since I'm pretty sure she's living in some third world country (I can't recall the specific one though, but hey, they speak French in there :D).

    Shadowoverthemoon May 2, 2015 12:50 am
    I was actually curious about how many I posted, since I feel I barely come here nowadays :3. I'm the type to translate notes for the heck of it, of course I'm going to count for the heck of it. And I'm respondi... Lightasus

    Can you really say that. It is human nature to try and defend themselves, especially to a stranger. It doesn't matter what your excuses are, the fact is comments are affective. I don't deny it at all how some simple comments on blogs can have me thinking for days. It just bothered me when you said how can reponce's comments affect people that much when in the past, I remember you responding quite strongly to some random comments. Reponce's spoilers or continuous posts weren't that bothersome, but the moment she started waving her "superiority" in front of other people, that set it all off. You can be the smartest person in the world, but you can't lord it over everyone else because people don't like it.

    Ryuakilover May 2, 2015 12:51 am

    Well for me ....since i use phone to reaf manga and comment i always accidentally click the annoying button in all my comment :((( i want to click replay but ended up annoying button ;-; and i can't take it back ;-; is just one way xD

    Lyre May 2, 2015 12:59 am
    I was actually curious about how many I posted, since I feel I barely come here nowadays :3. I'm the type to translate notes for the heck of it, of course I'm going to count for the heck of it. And I'm respondi... Lightasus

    Well that is the way you see things however in most of the so-called "third world" countries - though this designation is archaic - there are francophone communities.
    I had the chance and the pleasure to meet outstanding people from different countries and the ones who came from the so-called "third-world" countries didn't brag about their outstanding academic background.
    Bragging is a personal behavior, a Canadian can brag, a Belgian, a French and so forth. Bragging and geographic region aren't associated but if this is how you see it, then this your choice.

    reponce May 2, 2015 1:00 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Vega

    sorry about my horrible grammar since english is my 4TH language :D

    Anonymous May 2, 2015 1:01 am
    (this reply is just for Anonymous) u know what i swear I assist my teacher in the class, most of times i give lessons all by myself indeed with another trainee ! so what my students will do if they see my comme... reponce

    Easy, they would lose all respect for you

    Lightasus May 2, 2015 1:02 am

    Ah, I didn't notice the "superiority" bragging. My bad ^^'
    She doesn't seem ill-intentioned, so I'd take that with a grain of salt, but that's just me... Maybe I didn't see the whole thing, I thought people were going insane over only the number of comments she posted. I'm pretty sure that was the only reason initially? In any case, I understand what you're trying to say :)

    But aha, I do indeed do that once in a while xD. The Internet can get me on a dramatic mood, damnit lol.

    I guess I'm just ignorant over this whole matter, so actually don't mind me.

    Anonymous May 2, 2015 1:03 am
    Dear Anonymous, honey, (since I can only assume you are talking about my comment) it seems we're having a communication issue: I was complimenting @Alice for her comment, in essence, I'm agreeing with everythin... @Skye

    @Skye, you still don't get it at all. Shall I help you?

    Alice said in quote you ignore: So in addition to being inconsiderate to others you were also being incredibly arrogant and one had to wonder: If you think of yourself as that high and mighty, if you consider everyone to be a bunch of imbeciles, then why even come here?

    Skye said quote: she's above average when it comes to MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO FREQUENT THIS PAGE.

    Next quote you appear to ignore: to be a bit more respectful toward others and a little bit more humble about how your look upon yourself and how you present yourself to others.

    Skye said quote: it's such a joy whenever I come across YET ANOTHER PERSON WITH MORE THAN A SMALL CLUSTER OF BRAIN CELLS.

    Your comments violated the very things Alice was championing. Most who come here are smart. Stupidity is the exception not the rule. You give no credit to the OC who used her brain to begin this articulate, mature discussion or to any of the other thoughtful responses.

    tl;dr- Your comments are smarmy, condescending, and immature. And I'm not your honey nor your sweetie.

    misekatte May 2, 2015 1:04 am
    40, 50 comments u extra exaggerate! other made the same amount of comment but they didn’t thumps her/him down, I posted a spoiler when they hadn’t seen the chapter? Everyone was waiting for a news if u r h... reponce

    Ummm...just so you know, if you don't have a login in name for this site (which makes your name show up in bright yellow) then you cannot use the "annoying" option, and for people to have more than one alias must mean they have registered with the site multiple times with different email addresses - at least that is how I think it works. So any dim yellow name could mean multiple aliases over the bright.

    Sam May 2, 2015 1:09 am
    Ummm...just so you know, if you don't have a login in name for this site (which makes your name show up in bright yellow) then you cannot use the "annoying" option, and for people to have more than one alias mu... misekatte

    yes thats how it works. they have to have lots of emails and log in and off lots of time to press the annoy button

    reponce May 2, 2015 1:27 am
    I was actually curious about how many I posted, since I feel I barely come here nowadays :3. I'm the type to translate notes for the heck of it, of course I'm going to count for the heck of it. And I'm respondi... Lightasus

    tout a fait ! my "3th world" country is Algeria, the biggest country in AFRICA, superbe pays avec des gens simple, joyeux et au grand coeur, je ne comprend pas cette haine et cet acharnement, j'ai repondu a une personne bien spécifique pourquoi les autres se sont senti visé? bizzard!

    Anonymous May 2, 2015 1:52 am
    Hmmm...was fairly sure someone would give some thumbs down to this - even if it is a reasonable comment - come on people - this is probably the silliest behaviour on Mangago! Nothing offensive was said in any o... tokidoki

    What else did you expect? Bulling is a real thing in real life and it's even easier on the internet where even the most timid person can hide behind their anonymity. How often is it you hear about a respected person with a great career and a loving family playing the part of the bully on the internet. It would be great to if people online weren't so aggressive, but that's wishful thinking and naive.

    Anonymous May 2, 2015 1:56 am
    tout a fait ! my "3th world" country is Algeria, the biggest country in AFRICA, superbe pays avec des gens simple, joyeux et au grand coeur, je ne comprend pas cette haine et cet acharnement, j'ai repondu a une... reponce

    Comparing you to person from developing country is insult to person from developing country

    Lyre May 2, 2015 2:00 am
    tout a fait ! my "3th world" country is Algeria, the biggest country in AFRICA, superbe pays avec des gens simple, joyeux et au grand coeur, je ne comprend pas cette haine et cet acharnement, j'ai repondu a une... reponce

    C'est mon dernier commentaire puisque cette discussion n'ira nulle part. Je n'ai pas remarqué que tu étais Algérienne maintenant je comprends mieux, peut-être tu es amazighe aussi puisque tu dis que tu parles quatre langues (ça doit être l'amazighe à côté de l'Arabe, le Français et l'Anglais).
    Etant donné que j'ai des amis Algériens, je peux dire que beaucoup de nos confrères Algériens sont très éduqués, certains parlent le Français mieux que les Occidentaux ou les Québécois (en se sens, peut-être certaines régions du monde occidental sont plus tiers-mondiales que le soi-disant "Tiers Monde").
    Finalement quand j'ai répondu avant, moi aussi j'ai dû comprendre que le problème initial c'était le fait que tu t'es vantée. Cependant quand je me suis ravisée, je me suis souvenue du fait que tu as été insultée au départ.
    De toute façon après tout ce qui a été dit, la réaction est exagérée. Tu es dorénavant la cible d'une campagne d'intimidation.
    Il s'est avéré aussi après tout ces commentaires que cette discussion (est-ce une?) n'ira nulle part. Je ne sais pas qui a commencé ça mais peut-être vaudrait mieux leur laisser la place pour qu'ils y écrivent tout ce qu'ils veulent. Les intimidateurs (bullies) ne diront rien d'intéressant de toute façon aussi lâches qu'ils sont. L'essentiel c'est le manga et pas eux (j'aurais dû gardé cette "vérité" en tête dès le départ).

    Lightasus May 2, 2015 2:04 am
    tout a fait ! my "3th world" country is Algeria, the biggest country in AFRICA, superbe pays avec des gens simple, joyeux et au grand coeur, je ne comprend pas cette haine et cet acharnement, j'ai repondu a une... reponce

    L'Algérie hein, c'est cool :3
    Quelques personnes susceptibles je suppose, je crois qu'il serait plus sage de se taire un peu rendu là, c'est peine perdue. Ça a l'air qu'ils trouvent que tu te vantes trop et ils trouvent ça irritant, enfin, penses-en ce que tu en veux, moi finalement je suis pas au courant de grand chose lol.

    Inquiète-toi pas trop, moi-même je peine à tout comprendre. Des fois faut laisser faire.