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When I read about situations like this...

RadioK0N June 5, 2015 12:14 am

...I'm glad that my own kids sleep like rocks. NO problems!!

    yaoi lover June 8, 2015 10:12 am

    that you know of... 0,0

    RadioK0N June 8, 2015 2:48 pm
    that you know of... 0,0 yaoi lover

    Nah, I taught my kids to sleep like that. They never slept in absolute silence when they were small.

    Anonymous June 29, 2015 8:21 am
    Nah, I taught my kids to sleep like that. They never slept in absolute silence when they were small. RadioK0N

    Careful though, my parents did the same thing when I was little, and I have legitimately slept through a fire alarm.

    Nazunacchi August 18, 2015 10:03 pm
    Careful though, my parents did the same thing when I was little, and I have legitimately slept through a fire alarm. @Anonymous

    My mom says that if there was a war going on in front of the house, I'd sleep through it.

    RadioK0N August 19, 2015 12:44 am
    My mom says that if there was a war going on in front of the house, I'd sleep through it. Nazunacchi

    XD I'm like that when I get sick lol! i already have sinus issues and they are magnified to the point where I am deaf and can't breathe. I remember one time when I was sick and the fire alarm went off, someone tried to wake me up and I shook them off telling them to leave me alone. They had to literally grab me and almost toss me out of my bunk in order to wake me up. It was only then I realized how lout it was and that scared the mess out of me. Luckily, it was just a drill. I ended up going to the hospital later because I was sporting a 102 deg fever. lol!

    Nazunacchi August 19, 2015 1:22 am
    XD I'm like that when I get sick lol! i already have sinus issues and they are magnified to the point where I am deaf and can't breathe. I remember one time when I was sick and the fire alarm went off, someone ... RadioK0N

    It's a good thing that you had someone to help you with waking up. Luckily, I can now wake up if someone shakes me awake (unless of course I've had a few late nights writing papers)