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spray this large cat with water... good lord his behviour is terrible

orangevoldemort November 6, 2020 9:21 pm

spray this large cat with water... good lord his behviour is terrible

    fantomyte November 6, 2020 11:12 pm

    Don’ Spray cats that’s animal abuse

    Sheryl November 7, 2020 12:33 am
    Don’ Spray cats that’s animal abuse fantomyte

    Urgh shaddap. Some like it, mine even begs for it.
    Nobody likes TikTok Vets, so scram

    fantomyte November 7, 2020 12:41 am

    Nice to know how shameless animal abusers are nowadays. Life is really full of wonders

    orangevoldemort November 7, 2020 9:04 am

    omg i hope u realise i was joking, wow- why is everyone so sensitive these days

    Hemorrhoids on Crack November 7, 2020 10:02 am
    omg i hope u realise i was joking, wow- why is everyone so sensitive these days orangevoldemort

    I could ask the same question o/ life is already poopy as it is, these ppl have to suck every ounce of humour out of it D: same thing fr all these ppl who see the rape warnings bt choose to read it anyways :3 take ur social justice PC shi* somewhere else o/ it's like they can't comprehend that ppl can separate between fiction n reality.. its like they assume everyone tht is ok with rape in fictional stories condones rape irl??!?! like dafaq o -o (i mean its an extreme example) bt really fking stupid & it irks me.. cant u just let us enjoy our yaoi.. GTFO of this site :D turned out to be a rant instead my bad o/ anyways yes got it tht u were joking lol

    HoneyBunch November 8, 2020 7:40 am
    I could ask the same question o/ life is already poopy as it is, these ppl have to suck every ounce of humour out of it D: same thing fr all these ppl who see the rape warnings bt choose to read it anyways :3 t... Hemorrhoids on Crack

    For real. The BL community used to be quite chill then all of a sudden a lot of "social justice" people wreak havoc in this community. If you see a rape warning, don't read that particular manga that has it if you know you are easily offended. But then proceed to read and sh**ing on that manga, not even giving constructive criticism.

    Jah November 15, 2020 2:55 pm
    For real. The BL community used to be quite chill then all of a sudden a lot of "social justice" people wreak havoc in this community. If you see a rape warning, don't read that particular manga that has it if ... HoneyBunch

    You are my new favorite person. God I wish there were more people like you on this website