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I really loved this....

RadioK0N June 5, 2015 6:30 pm

Ryou is lucky he found Yajima and that Yajima is willing to overlook is dark past. For some, that would have been too much for them to handle but I think that it is because Yajima is a detective, he can see the broader picture. It is safe to say that because Ryou lived in the streets, that he was going to be in contact with some seedy individuals. I'm glad they found each other to mend their hearts but I really wish there was more. This was a good mix of action, comedy, smooshy love, and some suspense to keep me interested. Not too dark, not too fluffy. It was just right.

    Angel of the Night July 5, 2015 2:21 pm

    They are lucky to find each other and I think they are a good pair. Yajima is a detective that can handle any situation and with Ryou's past life where he lived in the streets. It's safe to say the Yajima will accept Ryous past and protect Ryou too