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Well, Ayase is determined to win and seeing how sad her expression was, one can tell that ...

SolracXV June 14, 2015 5:07 pm

Well, Ayase is determined to win and seeing how sad her expression was, one can tell that doing those kind of things just reflect how much she grieves about what she has to sacrifices to get her revenge... Ikki now has this chance to grow less dependant of his noble art, though is a hell of a handicap. Time to see his real "Weakest vs Strongest"... rooting for next update and thanks for the hardwork ^^

    mihasaga August 2, 2015 7:44 pm

    I still dont agree with what she did. She will be puneshed for that. She sould have just asked for help. In the end she will lose and will suffer even more from the betrayal that she did. Ppl act stupid for Revenge, always did andwill do.

    SolracXV August 2, 2015 9:46 pm
    I still dont agree with what she did. She will be puneshed for that. She sould have just asked for help. In the end she will lose and will suffer even more from the betrayal that she did. Ppl act stupid for Rev... mihasaga

    Yep stupid indeed. Now wait for the next cuz this one was to show the backstory of that stupidity. Rooting to see the perfomance of Weakest without his Ace (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    mihasaga August 2, 2015 10:43 pm

    I really hope for a good fight.