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Natsuo x Hina is utterly toxic and unhealthy. Here's why.

Super Anime Fan November 25, 2020 7:58 pm

I can't believe the writer actually had Natsuo end up with Hina in the end. Their relation ship is so toxic (not to mention hated by the fans) that it's disgusting. Hina is such an unlikable character and hated by many, and with good reason too. She’s just a horrible person. While I doubt the writer intended for her to be such an unlikable character, it doesn’t change the fact that she is.

Let’s start with the fact that she’s willing to take part in an affair, while already tells you how immoral she is. I despise cheaters, but I also have near equal hate for the other person involved in an affair, because they’re selfish and immoral enough to be willing to destroy other people’s relationships and families. It doesn’t matter if that Shu guy claimed to have made the first move, she’s almost equally as guilty. And to let the affair drag on for two years while supposedly falling in love with Natsuo (who was 16 to her 23 btw) makes it even worse, especially when she was still unwilling to end the affair.

And speaking of her relationship with Natsuo, it feels a lot like she’s almost stringing him along due to her apparent need to be with someone. It’s almost like she can’t NOT be in a relationship, and doesn’t care that the relationship is wrong, or that she ignores it, even if it’s bad for all parties involved, and she only shows remorse when the consequences occur after they're caught, but before that it was ok for her. So to get involved with her new much younger step-brother, despite being his teacher, despite knowing it can ruin their family, despite all the trouble it can cause, and even ignoring how her sister feels about him, knowing how hard it is for Rui to get close to anyone, let alone fall for them, is just despicable.

She’s also a hypocrite to boot, basically scolding Rui for having feelings for Natsuo, but then immediately going after him herself, even though the two of them being together would be far worse and more immoral than it would be if Natsuo and Rui got together. I’m sure she genuinely loves him, but she and her feelings always seem so fickle, particularly the way she jumps from Shu to Natsuo.

And throughout the series, I also noticed that despite knowing that something is wrong, Hina will deliberately place herself in situations that can lead to such immoral predicaments. And then she always offers these half-hearted protests to anything a single time only because it’s like she knows it’s expected of her, so she has to. Several times, she offers a single “We can’t do this” or “This is wrong” argument, only to immediately be swayed 10 seconds later and act like, “Oh well, I tried, but it couldn’t be helped”, as if that absolves her of any fault or blame.

And despite her so-called resolves of not wanting to do anything immoral or unethical, she keeps providing the opportunity for those situations to happen, like the way she told Natsuo how they can’t get together because it’s wrong, but then secretly leaving him a key to her new apartment so they can be alone while borderline seducing him in a seemingly innocent way.

And speaking of Natsuo, his feelings for her may be genuine, but it doesn’t change the fact that their relationship is toxic and clearly an unhealthy love. He used to be kind, considerate, honest, and completely unselfish, but after he got together with her, he became selfish, inconsiderate of other people and their feelings, reserved, antisocial with anyone except Hina, manipulative, uncaring how his relationship could tear their family apart or ruin both their futures, and dishonest, even not telling his best friend, who was always his most trusted confidant and ally, anything anymore, even flat out lying to him and using him. And just look at the ending, he just up and leave Rui for Hina with no care for how she feels or how it will affect their daughter, who now has a step-mother who's also her aunt and step-aunt, a biological mother who is also now her aunt and step-aunt, and who now has a biological father who is also her uncle and step-uncle.

When it comes down to it, Hina is a horrible person despite being ‘nice’, and Natsuo becomes a selfish and immoral person whenever he's with her. I don't doubt that they love each other, but two people can love each other and still be very bad for each other. Their relationship is toxic, unhealthy, and not good for either of them. Oh, and let's not forget how screwed over Rui got. Seriously, I don't know what the writer was thinking, but shame on them.
