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Risa95 July 2, 2015 1:32 pm

I know it's fiction. There's obviously fantasy elements in it. But that 1st story is uncomfortably a little close to home. There's just no changing a person who doesn't want to change and I know that well enough. I'm glad that Hideyoshico portrayed it quite realistically. Although it ended in a bittersweet way, I didn't have any complaints.. just that I wish my own story ended in that bittersweet way. (But I'll never know, will I? I'm not a binbougami or shinigami) #-.-)

    aerslevdi October 26, 2015 4:03 am

    I'm glad it ended that way because later Binbougami was able to be with Jugemu

    Gonbe June 28, 2016 6:40 am
    I'm glad it ended that way because later Binbougami was able to be with Jugemu aerslevdi

    I agree~~ (๑•ㅂ•)و✧