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that's the problem if we face law and police. they always talk about the physical wounds, ...

AuliaKireina July 9, 2015 12:18 am

that's the problem if we face law and police. they always talk about the physical wounds, the physical proves that you're being tortured. like in this story, he goes straight to jail but not his mom because police can not find physical evidance from his body but from his mother. sometimes they forget that mentally wounds last deeper and longer than physical wounds so it's hard for the victim to defend theirself.

    LoveBunny September 15, 2015 4:23 am

    So true.They last way longer...this broke my heart..

    AmaraSol December 23, 2015 5:23 pm

    The problem is that he's lying so the physical evidence doesn't support his story. He's lying to protect his brother. Instead of saying he attacked his mother on defense of his brother, he tries to cover everything up by claiming the mother was drunk and was beating on him.