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I think love or hate fans are the real toxic ones is this story. They don’t understand t...

Minatobro December 13, 2020 8:30 pm

I think love or hate fans are the real toxic ones is this story. They don’t understand this beautiful story and reduced it to ship wars where they just insult each other and the author blindly. This story was never about any ships. It was a story about how lack of communication and lack of courage lead to years of hurt on both sides even when both parties loved each other endlessly. We read the story from Haesoo’s perspective 96% of the time because of which we have a biased opinion on so many things and tend to always blame Joowon for hurting Haesoo. We forget that that we don’t see the other person’s perspective at all so our opinion on certain events may be wrong entirely because we’re only seeing Haesoo’s side of the story and of course his opinion and thinking is biased and not what happened entirely. It is true that Joowon has hurt Haesoo but Haesoo has hurt him too just as much but neither of them hurt each other so much that their relationship was beyond repair. People say they need therapy but in my opinion what they need is courage. They both always lacked courage and because of their circumstances they kept on lacking courage until they reached this point. Their relationship reaching this point also has a lot to do with how Haesoo’s mother and Joowon’s father handled the situation. They both did such terrible jobs handling things that they completely destroyed their sons happiness for so many years. In terms of Taku I’ve never thought he was a spring board for Haesoo’s and Joowon’s relationship. Both Taku and Haesoo gained so much from knowing each other which they didn’t before. Taku’s interest in Haesoo lead him to want to know more about Haesoo. No one else apart from Joowon has had that kind of interest in him before. Taku also having a way with words kept poking deeper into Haesoo’s mind. I’m not saying Taku’s manipulative because he’s clearly not but he did know what words to use to get Haesoo relied up as seen during the photoshoot. The current situation with Haesoo’s and Joowon’s parents with their remarriage and Taku’s interest in Haesoo made Haesoo think that it’s hopeless after all and that that’s his chance to get out before he and Joowon get more hurt. Taku’s increasing interest in Haesoo which he had not experienced before lead him to being impatient which later lead him to ask Haesoo out. It necessarily wasn’t the right or wrong decision because I don’t think the overall outcome of the story would have changed but it’s true Taku’s decision was rushed. Taku’s and Haesoo’s relationship wasn’t a waste of time for all three of them. For Taku it made him realise what it means to love someone which he didn’t know before. He didn’t realise what love and what loving someone meant and loving someone does means leaving yourself open to getting hurt. That’s love. Sometimes it’s successful and sometimes it’s not. You can’t blame people for it. Matters of the heart are hard. His character only developed because of their relationship. For Haesoo it made him realise just how much in love with Joowon he actually was. It also made him realise that Joowon and him had a much normal relationship than he had thought. Taku made him realise what a normal relationship was and also made haesoo realise what he had with Joowon was so natural that at the time he never realised it. For Joowon it gave him the opportunity to understand his own weakness. It made him understand what they had lost because of their lack of communication and courage. For me Joowon showed the most growth because even when Haesoo was with Taku and said those cruel words to him Joowon never resented him or was angry with him. He never told Haesoo to come back to him. To him all that matter was Haesoo’s happiness and his safety rather than his own. He was willing to be with Haesoo in any form be it as a lover, brother or friend as long as Haesoo was doing okay. He was willing to ruin his own career which he loved just to keep Haesoo safe. He took responsibility for everything by himself and kept always protecting Haesoo even when they were young. His separation from Haesoo made him realise just what lack of courage did to them. He reflected on himself and their relationship. Haesoo and Joowon being together just makes sense to me because they both can only love each other to that extent. They can only care about each other to that extent. They both even helped each other reach their dreams. If they both can have courage this time around then I don’t think anyone can ruin their relationship. The love they both have for each other is a once in a life time kind of love. I don’t know how you can hate that. I know Taku got hurt but he knew what risk he was taking by asking Haesoo out. Like I said before his time with Haesoo wasn’t a waste because it only made him understand things he didn’t before. When people say he deserves better I think that’s an insult towards Haesoo. It’s better to say Taku deserves someone more suitable for him, someone who loves him enough to make him forget about all the pain he’s ever felt. I hope all three of them are happy this time.

    mariomi December 13, 2020 9:14 pm

    Its the most beautiful comment I have ever seen...people who disliked clearly didn't read all of i just love this comment here

    Itsmehhh December 13, 2020 10:00 pm

    Sis really explained the wholeass plot

    jik00kie December 14, 2020 3:31 am


    hannietea December 14, 2020 5:21 am

    Love this comment ╥﹏╥
    So many people are looking at their relationships with each other in one spectrum. Tbh, all of their circumstances has also helped each other to grow. At this point, I just wish for everyone’s happiness. It be like that at times. You can’t expect love to be simple and linear. I love how the author actually made the effort into bringing the vulnerabilities of each character with a hint of reality

    sarachi_uwu December 14, 2020 8:27 am

    bishhh this is beautiful T _T
    Everything what you said is more accurate