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KeiraLockstar December 18, 2020 5:49 pm


So guys since Bumjoon and the two bartenders don't exactly have an "ending", and it was annoying for me having an "incomplete" story, I thought of how it could possibly end between the three of them.

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Bumjoon (black haired) _ Terry (blonde bartender) _ Dong-gu (freckled bartender)

For Bumjoon it was supposed to be a one night stand and an experiment, but he and Terry were more compatible than expected. He wanted to see him more without actually understanding why. In the end since both of them were interestend in other people, just enjoying sex would have been enough (is what Bumjoon thought). And Terry couldn't refuse him in the end.
Bumjoon had almost no recollection of Dong-gu but was told to stay away from him by Terry.
But althought Bumjoon wasn't that much interested in this guy Dong-gu, he kind of enjoyed annoying Terry, so he started showing up more often at the bar.

One day Terry sees Dong-gu and Bumjoon interacting affectionately and gets extremely irritated. That same night they have sex as usual and - "I told you to stay away from him. And stop showing up at the bar." Terry was still pretty annoyed and it was obvious. - "Why? 'Cause you like him? Yet you're still here with me." Terry was a bit startled but - "What about you? Don't you like some other guy?" Bumjoon went silent and finished off what they were doing, only to leave right after without a word..

Bumjoon didn't show up at the bar for about a week. Terry tought it was for the best but deep down it made him a bit sad and with unanswered questions in mind.
On Friday night Dong-gu was happy and excited - "I'm going to meet Bumjoon tomorrow! I can't believe he agreed to meet me! Hope it goes well." Terry wasn't happy at all. He clearly said to Bumjoon to stay away from him. This is how Terry ended up following secretly the two of them.
Dong-gu was happy and Bumjoon was also gentler, for Terry it was annoying. When Dong-gu confessed, Terry got a bit worried but Bumjoon said he was not his type and as expected he refused him but - "I'm sorry but I like someone else." Terry should've been happy that Dong-gu's confession wasn't accepted but all he could think about in that moment was that Bumjoon liked someone else. Ah, it must be that guy he was talking about - thought Terry. And then his eyes met with Bumjoon's. He was discovered, flustered he started running away. Right after he was caught up by Bumjoon. "You shouldn't try to run away from me, I have more stamina than you, I'll always catch you." Terry was flustered, embarrased and other emotions he couldn't explaing showed up. "I'm not planning on letting you go. I don't care if you like Dong-gu." Terry was surprised, for many reasons. Dong-gu, he liked him in the past but now he's just a precious friend. "You're annoying. If you don't plan on letting me go then don't." And for the first time Terry witness a smile on Bumjoon's face never seen before. "Guess now you're mine." After spending some nights together, for Bumjoon meeting Terry was just like a pleasant habit, to the point of forgetting about his previous crush, which may have been just an infatuation in someone unusual. For Bumjoon, Terry just had the right doses of cuteness and aggressiveness, to the point of making him fall in love.
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At the same time, Dong-gu, whose confession was just reject, started crying in the middle of the crowd. He liked Bumjoon, it was a sweet crush for him, but it didn't work. He kind of suspected the relationship between him and Terry, still trying to deny it until he saw Bumjoon leaving him behind just to run after Terry. Embarrassed, Dong-gu started walking very fast, trying to avoid the crowd but ended up bumping into someone. "I'm sorry." "It's okay. Ah, but, is everything okay?" Dong-gu was still a bit teary-eyed, embarrassed once again he covered his face and squatted down. The man in front of him was flustered as well - "I don't know what happened to you but cheer up." He handed him a handkerchief and ended up leaving saying he was in a hurry. It was just a moment but that handsome man did cheer up him just bit. This is how Dong-gu's crush ended without being able to do much.

A few days after, while Dong-gu and Terry were getting a drink outside, a handsome man was enjoying his time with a group of friends in the same place. Dong-gu couldn't be mistaken, it was the same man he encountered that night. A bit shyly he approched the man - "I-I'm sorry Mister, don't know if you remember me but we bumped into each other a few days ago and you handed me a handkerchief, if possible, could I have your number so I could return it back to you?" The man remained silent for a bit then - "Ah, you're the guy who was crying. No need to return it. You can just throw it." Even if it was a small thing, for Dong-gu was a kind act (plus the guy is handsome *v*). "Still, I'd like to at least offer you a coffee if possible." He looked obviously nervous. "Haeroo. My name. And this is my number." In the end he agreed to the request. "I'm Dong-gu. Nice to meet you." Dong-gu smiled happily, without realizing it was the start of a new crush.
The beggining of something.

- - - > FOR THOSE WHO DIDN'T UNDERSTOOD: Haeroo is the guy from "See you at the crosswalk" that was lost, trying to find his way with an unusual map. Since Dong-gu is pretty cute, I thought it would be okay to pair up him with someone and Haeroo was the one who came to mind immediately. I think the two of tem could be quite compatible.

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I'm not exactly the best writer but I tryed to summarise but thoughts as much as possible, so there may be some repetition or grammatically incorrect phrases here and there, but don't mind it.

    Starlight_0189 December 15, 2020 11:36 am

    Drop it!!!

    weebacardi December 18, 2020 2:16 am
    Drop it!!! Starlight_0189

    like it's hot~

    gosh I'm so sorry

    well tbh, I'm not.

    KeiraLockstar December 18, 2020 4:43 am

    It's a bit longer than I thought it would be but oh well, whatever

    Starlight_0189 December 18, 2020 10:37 am

    This was good and I really enjoyed it!

    Cyan December 21, 2020 12:20 pm

    Woah... congratulations!! You actually write pretty goooood! I really liked it (●'◡'●)ノ

    KeiraLockstar December 21, 2020 12:38 pm
    Woah... congratulations!! You actually write pretty goooood! I really liked it (●'◡'●)ノ Cyan

    Thanks, good to know you liked it! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Totaka January 20, 2021 4:33 pm


    Frau January 23, 2021 8:42 pm

    I like it. I'm going with this, and I almost have closure. Have-in is too good for Min. Min needs some serious retribution. Then I'm done.
    I really like Dong-gu Haeroo ship. And I agree Terry and Bumjoon are a good match.
    Well done!

    Gabbie~ January 24, 2021 5:15 pm

    Now we just need the manga version of it...anyways thanks for these, I'll be able to sleep peacefully 2night