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She was 17 & he was 26 .... Like WHY???

weloveanim December 18, 2020 1:14 pm

She was 17 & he was 26 .... Like WHY???

    Comadrin January 11, 2021 4:26 am

    Why? Well, it often happens. I'm nearly eight years older than my wife, and we met while she was still in high school. We were married two weeks before she turned nineteen, and that was in 1983. Sure there are pitfalls with this type of matchup, but:

    1: We were in love (still are)
    2. Both of us were fairly mature
    3. We supported each other's dreams and ambitions

    When we became engaged, nearly a year before we married, we decided that we would have an equal partnership. It seems to have worked, because we've been together ever since, and still have the spark. Early marriage doesn't always work out, but neither do middle or late marriages always work out. They're all different and depend on the two people involved.

    weloveanim January 11, 2021 5:56 pm

    Well, that's true again. Like being 17 or 18 makes a huge difference regarding law, but often not that much regarding maturity of a person.
    I do understand your point, but I don't support it. I think there are exceptional cases like yours, but usually it's not the case.