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A good read

Thalia December 18, 2020 4:15 pm

I liked it but it made me kinda sad >.< to have missed so many years.
Regarding the previous comments: I don't think there's anything wrong with Simon's crush on Hetta. He's still a kid, and saying there's something strange about it makes it something it isn't. And why should his father reprimand his shy son, who is just beginning to bond with him, for something like this? 1. who knows what will be in 10 years and 2. even if he still loves her more as a stepsister, they are not related by blood, so no incest.

    Comadrin January 11, 2021 4:16 am

    I agree. I had crushes on girls when I was five and six years old. I didn't date or anything, but it's kind of a fond memory of my very earnest young self. My parents thought it was cute, but didn't insult me by saying so.

    Thalia January 11, 2021 9:24 am
    I agree. I had crushes on girls when I was five and six years old. I didn't date or anything, but it's kind of a fond memory of my very earnest young self. My parents thought it was cute, but didn't insult m... Comadrin

    Hehe ^_^

    Shiyai January 31, 2021 10:32 am

    I think they needed those years apart so that they can be together forever. I think if the married early, their marriage tend to fall apart.

    About Simon crush on Hetta. Yeah, I don't see why not. And for me ML's advice was wise.

    Comadrin February 6, 2021 8:33 am
    I think they needed those years apart so that they can be together forever. I think if the married early, their marriage tend to fall apart.About Simon crush on Hetta. Yeah, I don't see why not. And for me ML's... Shiyai

    I have to agree with you on this one. When they were engaged, she was just graduating from High School, and he was pretty young, too. He was more mature than her, but he'd been a serious student all that time, and he was absolutely sure what HIS plans for the both of them were. He hadn't experienced life except as an almost grim workaholic student, and didn't really understand women at all. I can remember being that age, and being absolutely certain of all my convictions and opinions. Luckily, my wife was definitely NOT a meek person who felt that her husband was always right! It changed me a lot for the better. Had I been stubborn as a mule about things, my marriage would not have worked out. I was also lucky that my father had basically told me that marriage was a partnership, and that if I decided to play the know-it-all paterfamilias, I would fail as a husband.