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Shika August 24, 2015 9:25 pm

I hate Aram, and the spirit guide dude. Like really what the actually fuck! How dare you go into some else body to fuck them over because you are afraid of facing your reality. Also the spirit dude is alway like it's not fair to Aram! You know what's not fair having to live in another person body because you fucked up, and now your bitching about it everyday because she's not a coward like Aram. Second if you knew her body was still there why didn't you let her go back. It pisses me off. Thank goodness the MC is a strong independent woman...

    Shika August 25, 2015 12:57 am

    it's still a good read and worth all the heartache haha

    shoujo_otaku November 28, 2015 2:01 pm

    i was thinking the same thing! like the soul collector also keeps scolding her about eating and exercising!! like it's even good that she's trying to be healthy! And I get really annoyed when he doesn't help them because they made "Aram cry". Like Aram is so spoiled and all i don't get why he sympathizes with her. And that all this happened anyway because you freaking messed up yourself and now you blame Ha Ji for everything. SHE'S THE FREAKING VICTIM HERE ISTG. THIS FREAKING SPIRIT PERSON IS KILLING ME.

    riariku November 27, 2016 8:17 pm

    i just finished reading this manhwa..
    and i agree with this, i really hate the spirit person and aram, they just too selfish.. like when ha ji did something that don't like Aram he will scolded Ha Ji, and then when Ha Ji want to go back to her own body the guy told her that she is selfish, and then when Aram in Ha ji's body doing something wicked he never do anything to stop her cause its Aram who doing it..

    i can't understand why would someone like Aram get a guardian angel?? she's selfish, arrogant, greedy, and ran for reality.. why would Te Hu like her anyway??

    UUggghhh... I hate them and their selfishness.. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸