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reccommend me things

Vash September 4, 2015 10:16 am

recommend me things that r similar to:
1.yaoi with...the both seme and uke forced to do sex/felatio/kiss/whatevs.. something similar to:
2.Yaoi/Shounen ai. the seme&uke are penpal/usually contacting each other, but dunno each other. something similar to: (Ch3)
3.yaoi/shounen ai. long story, slice of life, w/many chaps, ongoing, not only focusing on one problem thing. something similar to:
4.yaoi. doujinshi. a gangrape, but not with stranger. a gangrape with his friend/fam/anyone he close with/whoever as long as not with stranger.i dunno anythin similar
sorry for ma English
