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I hate her brother the fucking emperor. Ungrateful brat. Seriously.

Tanya December 25, 2020 4:11 pm

I hate her brother the fucking emperor. Ungrateful brat. Seriously.

    kinkyhoe101 December 25, 2020 6:43 pm

    hold on ley me just- *gets out the belt* ok were ready now!

    Defeated by Gravity December 26, 2020 5:38 am

    He's a critical tsundere. He's grateful and he loves his sister. They've got an antagonistic sibling relationship. I like it.

    I hate the ml so much I would have dumped the manga if everything else hadn't been so good though. So we all have our preferences.

    Defeated by Gravity December 28, 2020 12:25 am

    Yeah definitely not my kind of ML. I'll even take a boring ML over this type.

    But like you said, it's not bad enough to destroy the story side of things. I just skip over any romance scene now.

    Defeated by Gravity December 28, 2020 2:59 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Hot Girl Shi

    He backs her into corners by removing her ability to make choices for herself. He's arrogant and smug.

    He's me. If you like him, there's no problem with that. Just saying why I hate him.

    Defeated by Gravity December 28, 2020 8:35 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Hot Girl Shi

    He's been like that in from the start.
    To get what he wants he backs her into the corner so she has no option but to comply.
    The very first thing he did after he found her was was actively prevent her from meeting the guy she wanted to meet.

    The reason I can see the (very clear) manipulative elements of his character and you can't is because (1) I am sensitive to it, and (2) you're reading it shallowly. That, I can conclude from the 'not that deep' comment. Most readers read shallowly, and they get enjoyment out of it. I can only read shallowly when the plot is actually shallow. A shallow reader will read Harry Potter and only see the story of the magic and heroes. A person reading deeper will see all the darker elements and might question how much legitimacy there was to the prophecy and what it means to push predetermination on a child.

    The author wrote for both. So I think saying it's not that deep isn't fair to either me or the author.

    haiqyus January 11, 2021 12:40 pm
    He's been like that in from the start.To get what he wants he backs her into the corner so she has no option but to comply.The very first thing he did after he found her was was actively prevent her from meetin... Defeated by Gravity

    lol maybe i skipped a few chapters but i haven't encountered a scene where ares drives alicia to a corner to get what he want. if he does he won't let her go on their second encounter and won't wait for her answer. when did ares manipulate alicia? can you please tell me

    and is he being manipulative with the part where he won't let lancelot meet alicia? i don't get why you included that scene

    haiqyus January 12, 2021 5:41 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Isekai’d trash

    dude you don't know you sound dumb right now aren't you? asking if we read the same story sounds dumb when we're commenting under the same manhua. do you even know what being manipulative is like? you didn't answer my question properly, instead you keep insulting the ml when he didn't do anything wrong to the fl, answer my questions first lol and when did he threatened and trick her? tricking and threatening is different from manipulating

    haiqyus January 12, 2021 5:46 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Hot Girl Shi

    like exactly??? he never threatened alicia, he respects her and is willing to wait for her. he goes along with the things alicia wants to do even if it's quite shameful (like the one where they act like lovers infront of kai) i don't get where they got the manipulating and threatening part lol

    haiqyus January 12, 2021 10:54 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Isekai’d trash

    what the fuck are you talking about, you already said it she's mistaken ares as lancelot (..the girl ACCIDENTALLY sleeping she thought was someone else..) yet you said earlier that he tricked her. and i'm not defending him. I'M CORRECTING YOU those two are different. and you're adding something not relatable to what we are talking about AGAIN, what does the scene "are you suggesting that i date the other princess when i slept with you" have to do with this? we proved our point, but you're not making any sense at all. what emotions should i let go? kindly tell me.

    haiqyus January 12, 2021 11:20 am

    lol the question isn't for you anyway yet you answered as if you're the one i'm asking aRe wE rEAdInG tHe sAme sTorY oR yOu jUst nOt uNdeRsTanD. atleast answer appropriately i'm not even coming at you yet you attacked me with words that doesn't make sense