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About Haesoo

Good Book Hunting December 29, 2020 9:46 pm

Too much Haesoo bashing - way more than necessary in comments. Haesoo is definitely weak but not more than most people.
As a child, his parents divorced and he threw his lot behind his mom and followed her. As a teenager, he fell in love with Joowon but his mother's extreme reaction ended it right there and he was taken away just like that and was not given a choice in that. His mom is quite controlling and guilt-trips him into never crossing her and he doesn't dare to. On the other hand, he cannot stop liking Joowon and ends up in an ambiguous relationship with him.
His weakness is his inability to stand up to his mother because he feels like he owes that to her and his inability to let go of Joowon because he loves him. He is very emotional and desperately craves an open and passionate relationship which he can't have with Joowon because of his feelings of guilt towards him mother. So he is depressed and in pain, as shown by how he tears off the skin near his finger nails. His terrible emotional state make it impossible for him to do well in his chosen profession, writing. That makes him even more depressed. He reacts by trying to make things just as painful for Joowon so that he can feel better. Not a great place to be in. So, when Taekyung offers him an alternative, he takes it and breaks things off with Joowon. But then the distance actually bring things into perspective and makes him face what is really important to him.
So, for Haesoo, rather than character growth, what he gains is a better understanding of himself and what he really wants in life.

    cookie December 29, 2020 10:18 pm

    This is very much true and people may say he used taku but that's not it. This shit happens in life everyday you think your ready to move on and separate from something/someone but in reality your not and just needed to look at it from a different perspective. Sometimes that emotional growth and perspective may hurt the people around you, at that point you just have to be adult and deal with it the right way through communication. Which I'm sure haesoo is about to do.

    gardenfairy December 29, 2020 10:34 pm

    forreal forreal, PREACH
    this man is my favourite character, and it's so nice to see how he's finally doing things on his OWN accord and decisions at the end, rather than "how can i conform to society", "what abt my mom", "what's better for joowon" (the scene where he thinks jw should get wife) "what about joowon's dad"
    he found his conviction and deserves the world ヾ(☆▽☆)

    cookie December 30, 2020 3:11 am

    Exactly I hate that people making it seem like Haesoo is a bad person when hes not. That man is finally taking a hard look at himself and deciding that where he is in his life isn't where he wants to be and that's okay its s part of growing up