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Is there actually a seme that’s plain or “ugly”?

superlocococo December 30, 2020 3:17 am

Is there actually a seme that’s plain or “ugly”?

    UM MA’AM December 30, 2020 3:22 am

    Ya it’s called true beauty but the girl covers her ugliness with makeup but her lover is dating not cause of the makeup because of her true self so ya when she’s with him she is one ugly ass bitch also idk if this is what your looking for but I’m lonely

    AmyzingAmy December 30, 2020 3:31 am
    Ya it’s called true beauty but the girl covers her ugliness with makeup but her lover is dating not cause of the makeup because of her true self so ya when she’s with him she is one ugly ass bitch also idk ... UM MA’AM

    Seme = the top in bl LMAOO

    smalltityaltgirl December 30, 2020 3:44 am

    hmmm no dont think so ive only seen plain or "ugly" ukes

    Sangchu December 30, 2020 3:54 am

    there are semes that start ugly then glow up tho lol

    UM MA’AM December 30, 2020 3:55 am
    Seme = the top in bl LMAOO AmyzingAmy


    smolmush December 30, 2020 4:03 am

    Hi! Have y'all tried tags?
    There's only a couple of stories here so good luck!