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yup~ this is a rare pair but I love it.... I haven't read hetalia so excuse me to ask this...

Shindou Arashi September 19, 2015 3:47 pm

yup~ this is a rare pair but I love it.... I haven't read hetalia so excuse me to ask this, but why roman has ring on his ring finger?

    Jeje December 13, 2015 5:29 am

    I'm sorry. My fault to push the annoying one. I want to answer you question but pushed wrong button. Roman already marrried in this story that's why. If we took a line from history, roman is grandfather of italia. So he's married (although in hetalia birth of the country is not like that but in this dj you can say so).

    Finnismathmatical January 14, 2016 1:05 pm

    I'm kinda mixed on what I feel about this pairing, as far as connection goes I don't really think Japan assocciates that often with Rome?? But if it's a standalone pairing then maybe XD

    Speaking of standalone this story could have done well even as its own story with no relation to Hetalia what so ever, really the art was amazing, the characters weren't entirely dependant on their og material and the story was interesting enough that it didn't depend on Hetalia to give it substance.