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Interesting,, having read further it seems more of a manga concerning gendered social norm...

Anonymous January 3, 2021 6:02 am

Interesting,, having read further it seems more of a manga concerning gendered social norms in general. For example, the "ex" male character also pressured to be coddled by their mothers, to get married to the "right" sort of woman who will passively wait at home as he absent mindedly talks over and for her about "their" plans. The boss who is sick of women employees waiting on him and instead just wants them to do their job and not be servants who need constant instruction, or the sister's boyfriend who feels pressured to be a "salary man" and conform to the motions of marriage and a house despite this not being on the same page as his partner who enjoys that he wants something more creative as a career even if this isn't as stable.

Both the MC's mother and her ex's mother are seen to shape their child's attitudes hugely, with fresh eyes from the sister showing how disempowering such attitudes are to the daughter, and the ex also having his realization over how his mother has influenced his behaviour; likewise the MC's input, due to her being distanced by from the dad is also showing the sister how neglectful the dad actually was,
